1818 items found
Citation -  WH (Heer) - 73.Inf.Div. - Reich

Citation - WH (Heer) - 73.Inf.Div. - Reich

"Kubanschild" citationof 'Gefreiten' Franz Reich who served within Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 73 of the 73.Inf.Div. which bears the stamped signature of "Generalfeldmarschall" Ewald von Kleist.  read more

Code: 54084


Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 83.Inf.Div. - Walther

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 83.Inf.Div. - Walther

Citation grouping of "Obergefreiten" Friedrich Walther who served within Stab Pi.Btl.183 of the 83.Inf.Div.

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) "Infanterie-sturmabzeichen in Silber" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

3) BWB citation which has been which has been signed by the commandi...  read more

Code: 54082

200.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 265.Inf.Div.- Lorient - Klaüss

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 265.Inf.Div.- Lorient - Klaüss

Wehrpaß of "Obergefreiter" Hans Klaüss who served within Gren.Rgt. 896 of the 265.Inf.Div.

Klaüss was awarded the BWB and the KvK II m.Schw. for his efforts during his service.

The KvK II m.Schw. award was issued due to his actions during the defense of the "Atlantikfestüng Lorient"!!

Remnants of the 265.Inf.Div. were concentrated in the "Atlantikfe...  read more

Code: 54079


Citation set - Luftwaffe - V Fliegerkorps / K.G.3 - Frank

Citation set - Luftwaffe - V Fliegerkorps / K.G.3 - Frank

Citation set of "Unteroffizier" Heinrich Frank who served within V Fliegerkorps and K.G.3

1) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed by "Der kommandierende General des v Fliegerkorps" Robert Ritter von Greim (RK 24-6-1940,EL 2-4-1943,Schw.28-8-1944!!

The story of Ritter von Greim during the fall of Berlin is to be known!?!

2) "Ostmedaille" cit...  read more

Code: 54077

225.00 EUR

Waffen SS postcard picture - SS-Pol.Div. - 1940

Waffen SS postcard picture - SS-Pol.Div. - 1940

Waffen SS postcard picture - SS-Pol.Div. - 1940
Note SS-"Totenkopf" sidecap button!  read more

Code: 54074

55.00 EUR

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - K.G.30 - Heigl

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - K.G.30 - Heigl

Citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Martin Heigl who served in a Junkers Ju 88 A within K.G.30.

1) EK II citation which has been signed by "Chef der Luftflotte 5 und Befehlshaber Nord" Hans-Jürgen Stumpff (RK 18-9-1941)

2) EK I citation which has also been signed by "Chef der Luftflotte 5 und Befehlshaber Nord" Hans-Jürgen Stumpff (RK 18-9-1941)

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Code: 54073


Citation -  WH (Heer) - 22.LL.Div. - Rohr

Citation - WH (Heer) - 22.LL.Div. - Rohr

EK II citation of "Gefreiten" Otto Rohr who served within Kranken Kraftwagen Zug 22 of the 22.LL.Div.

The document has been signed by "Generalleutnant und Kampfkommandant" ?

This document needs some futher research!  read more

Code: 54068

80.00 EUR

Citation - WH (Heer) - Ls.Btl.821 - Wöstefeld

Citation - WH (Heer) - Ls.Btl.821 - Wöstefeld

KvK II m.Schw. citation of "Feldwebel" August Wöstefeld who served within Landes Schüzen Btl.821.

The document has been signed by "Der Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber Ukraine" (Ukraine) "General der Flieger" Karl Kitzinger  read more

Code: 54065

60.00 EUR

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 121.Inf.Div.- Voß

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 121.Inf.Div.- Voß

Citation grouping of "Gefreiten" Alfred Voß who served within Inf.Rgt.407 of the 121.Inf.Div.

1) BWB citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) EK II citation which has been signed by"Generalmajor" and divisional commander Martin Wandel (RK 23-11-1941)

Wandel was KIA on 14-1-1943 at Rossosch as his command post at Chilino was overru...  read more

Code: 54063

245.00 EUR

Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1934 - postcard

Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1934 - postcard

Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1934 - postcard  read more

Code: 54061

25.00 EUR