1818 items found
Citation set WH (Heer) - Heeresküstenaertillerie-Abt.287 - Telser

Citation set WH (Heer) - Heeresküstenaertillerie-Abt.287 - Telser

Citation set of "Unteroffizier" Emil Telser who served within Heeresküstenaertillerie-Abt.287 (army coastal artillery).

1) KvK II m.Schw.citation which has been issued "Auf der Krim" !! (at Crimea) and which has been signed by the commander of the XXXXII (42) A.K. (Armee Korps) Franz Mattenklott (RK 23-11-1941 ,DKiG 22-9-1942)

2) BWB citation which has been...  read more

Code: 53740

115.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - Luftwaffe - Luftnachrichten Rgt.14 - Amler

Wehrpaß - Luftwaffe - Luftnachrichten Rgt.14 - Amler

Wehrpaß of "Oberleutnant" Hans Amler who served within various Luftnachrichten (intelligence) related units.

Amler was awarded the EK II ,the "Krimschild" ,the "Luftwaffe Erdkampfabzeichen" and the KvK II m.Schw.awards for his participation in fightings in Poland and Russia.

Amler was trained for use of many different weapons and courses ,like:MP 34, MP 40...  read more

Code: 53739

210.00 EUR

Postcard picture WH (Heer)

Postcard picture WH (Heer)

Postcard picture of a soldier wearing his silver-toned "Algemeines Sturmabzeichen".

Comes with a postwar copy of the same man.  read more

Code: 53737

20.00 EUR

Soldbuch / citation grouping WH (Heer)  - 46.Inf.Div. - Berg

Soldbuch / citation grouping WH (Heer) - 46.Inf.Div. - Berg

Soldbuch / citation grouping of "Sanitäts-Obergefreiten" Paul Berg who served within Krankenkraftwagen Komp.46 (field ambulance) of the 46.Inf.Div.

1) Solduch of Berg who was awarded the "Ostmedaille" ,the "Krimschild" ,the EK II and the KvK II m.Schw. awards for his efforts during the fightings in Belgium ,France ,Rumania ,Yugoslavia and the Crimea.

2) "Os...  read more

Code: 53735

285.00 EUR

Citation WH (Heer) - 16.Pz.Div. - Wagner

Citation WH (Heer) - 16.Pz.Div. - Wagner

EK II citation of "Obergefreiten" Peter Wagner who served within Art.Rgt.16 (mot) of the 16.Pz.Div.

The document has been signed "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Hans - Valentin Hube (RK 1-8-1941, EL 16-1-1942, Schw.21-12-1942, Brill.20-4-1944) !!!!!!!

Hube was killed due to an airplane accident after receiving the "Brillianten" on 21. April 1944 !!!!  read more

Code: 53734

150.00 EUR

Commemorative grouping - Lw.Feld Div.6 - Schultheiss

Commemorative grouping - Lw.Feld Div.6 - Schultheiss

Commemorative grouping of "Gefreiter" Heinz Schultheiss who served within the Lw.Feld Div.6.

1) Official "Heldentod" (heros death) citiation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) N.S.D.A.P. commemorative citiation of "Ortsgruppe Dortmund-Mitte"

The ducument has been signed by the "Ortsgruppenleiter".

3) 2 other ...  read more

Code: 53730

120.00 EUR

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 212.Inf.Div. - Ley

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 212.Inf.Div. - Ley

Citation grouping of "Leutnant der Reserve" Günther Ley who served within diverse units of the 212.Inf.Div.

1) EK II citation of Ley which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Theodor Endres (RK 13-7-1940)

2) "Abschrift Divisions-Tagesbefehl" (copy divisional order) which states that Ley was one of men that made a "Stoßtrupp" ,a ver...  read more

Code: 53728

425.00 EUR

Citation WH (Heer) - 31.Inf.Div. - Fischer

Citation WH (Heer) - 31.Inf.Div. - Fischer

KvK II m.Schw.citation of "Obergefreiten" Willi Fischer who served within Stabs Bttr.Art.Rgt.31 of the 31.Inf.Div.

The document has been signed by "Oberst" and deputy divisional commander Hermann Flörke (DKiG 23-10-1942,RK 15-2-1943,EL 2-9-1944)  read more

Code: 53726

60.00 EUR

Citation WH (Heer) - 7.Pz.Div. - Hökemann

Citation WH (Heer) - 7.Pz.Div. - Hökemann

Nicely filled-in "Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze" citation of "Unteroffizier" Willy Hökemann who served within Pz.Gren.Rgt.7 of the 7.Pz.Div.

The document has been signed by Oberstleutnant and regimental commander Friedrich-Carl von Steinkeller (RK 31-3-1945)
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Code: 53722

120.00 EUR

"Organisation -Todt" (O.T.) citation set - Fertig

Citation set of "O.T.Mann" Leonhard Fertig who served within Festungs Pionier Stab 13 and "Organisation -Todt" (O.T.) Bauleitung Wartburg.

1) "Deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen" citation in a special version for pioneers.

The document bears the stamped signature of the commanding officer.

2) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the...  read more

Code: 53716

125.00 EUR