1842 items found

"Waffen-SS" - death administration record - "Der Führer" - Hold

Death administration record of "Rottenführer" Rudolf Hold who served within 3.Batr.Sturmgeschütz II of the "Das Reich" division

Hold was awarded the EK II ,the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" ,the "östereichische Sudeten Medaille" and the "Ostmedaille" for his efforts during the fightings in Slovakia ,Holland ,France ,Serbia and Russia.

Hold was hit by shrapnel in his ...  read more

Code: 55905

325.00 EUR

Wehrpass /citations -  WH (Heer) - 339.Inf.Div. - Einhäuser

Wehrpass /citations - WH (Heer) - 339.Inf.Div. - Einhäuser

Wehrpass and citations of "Unteroffizier" Karl Einhäuser who served within Stab Gren.Rgt.Gruppe 691

1) "Zweitschrift" Wehrpass of Einhäuser who was awarded the EK II ,the "Ostmedaille" ,the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" and the "Nahkampfspange I Stufe" (bronce)

Einhäuser had his feet frozen (2. degree) and was KIA on 11-11-1943 at Skalow (Russia)

2) "O...  read more

Code: 55904

625.00 EUR

Citation  -  WH (Heer) -  31.Inf.Div. - Burgemeister

Citation - WH (Heer) - 31.Inf.Div. - Burgemeister

"Sturmabzeichen" citation of "Leutnant" Werner Burgemeister who served within Art.Rgt.67

The document has been signed by "Oberst" and regimental commander (Art.Rgt.31) Kurt Albrecht (RK 3-11-1944)  read more

Code: 55903

85.00 EUR

Postcard photo -

Postcard photo - "HG" - 1943

Nice and seldom seen "HG" postcard photo of an "Obergefreiter" with the rare white collarpatches ,dated 1943  read more

Code: 55900


"Ritterkreuzträger der Waffen-SS" (KC recipients of the Waffen-SS) - Folge 2

"Folge 2" (part 2) of the serie "Ritterkreuzträger der Waffen-SS" (KC recipients of the Waffen-SS)  read more

Code: 55899

150.00 EUR

Period book

Period book "Einsatz der Polizei" by Hans Richter

Period book "Einsatz der Polizei" by Hans Richter

The book deals with the operations in which police units were involved on the Eastern,Northern and Western frontlines.

106 pages of SS police history.

Very reasonable overall condition with average traces of age.  read more

Code: 55895

95.00 EUR

"Triumph des Willens" - Heinrich Hoffmann

"Triumph des Willens" booklet which was published by Heinrich Hoffmann

Nice original with clear traces of use and age.  read more

Code: 55894

65.00 EUR

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe -  12./ 23.Flakdivision - Winkels

Citation grouping - Luftwaffe - 12./ 23.Flakdivision - Winkels

Citation grouping of "Obergefreiten" Peter Winkels who served within le.Flak Abt.94 (Sf.) which was under comand of several different Flak divisions.

1) EK II citation which has been issued at the "Gefechtsstand" (commandpost) and which has been signed by the commander of the 12.Flak Div.,"Generalleutnant" Ernst Buffa (DKiG 9-11-1943 ,RK 5-9-1944)

2) "Flakkampfabze...  read more

Code: 55892

350.00 EUR

"Männer der Waffen-SS" - postcard - Petersen

1 of 6 "Männer der Waffen-SS" postcards by Prof.Wilhelm Petersen who was a SS warartist.  read more

Code: 55890

150.00 EUR

Citation set - Luftwaffe - 7.Flak Div. - Müller

Citation set - Luftwaffe - 7.Flak Div. - Müller

Citation set of "Obergefreiten" Hans Müller who served within Flak Rgt.14 of the 7.Flak Div.

1) EK II citation which has been issued at the "Gefechtsstand" (command post) and which has been signed by "Generalmajor" Walther von Axthelm (RK 4-9-1941)

2) A4 size promotion document to "planmäsiger Wachtmeister" which has been signed by the commanding officer.  read more

Code: 55887

115.00 EUR