1818 items found
Wehrpass/HY I.D. -  WH (Heer) - 256.Inf.Div. - Müller

Wehrpass/HY I.D. - WH (Heer) - 256.Inf.Div. - Müller

Wehrpass and HY I.D of "Gefreiten" Kurt Müller who served within diverse units .

His last units were all related to Inf.Rgt.456 of the 256.Inf.Div.

1) "Bescheinigung" (certification) for entry in the HY (comes with a loose photo of Müller which probably had to be glued in ,as it never had one)

2) Nice "Vorläufiges Ausweis" (provisional) I.D.
<...  read more

Code: 55937

140.00 EUR

Postcard photo

Postcard photo

Postcard photo of a "Oberfeldwebel u.Offiziersanwärter" who is awarded the KvK II m.Svhw. ,the KvK I m.Schw. ,the BWB ,the "Infnaterie-Sturmabzeichen" and the "SA-Sportabzeichen"  read more

Code: 55935

30.00 EUR

"Für unsere Soldaten" (for our soldiers) -1943/,44

Not often seen pocket calendar / agenda of 1943/,44.

Comes with a letter to his mother of the last owner.
Written during his service in Latvia.  read more

Code: 55934

80.00 EUR

Soldbuch/ FAD I.D. - WH (Heer) -  56.Inf.Div. - Macher

Soldbuch/ FAD I.D. - WH (Heer) - 56.Inf.Div. - Macher

Soldbuch of "Wachtmeister" Horst Macher who served within Nachrichten Abt.156 of the 56.Inf.Div.

1) FAD I.D. of Macher who served within the "Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst" (FAD) before entering the army.

2) Soldbuch (some loose pages) of Macher,who was awarded the "Ostmedaille" ,the BWB ,the "Deutsches Schützwall-Ehrenzeichen" and KvK II m.Schw.

Nice s...  read more

Code: 55931

225.00 EUR

Citation -  WH (Heer) - 342.Inf.Div. - Bernady

Citation - WH (Heer) - 342.Inf.Div. - Bernady

EK II citation of "Obergefreiten" Wilhelm Bernady who served within Stabskomp./Gren.Rgt.697 of the 342.Inf.Div.

The document has been signed "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Heinrich Nickel (RK 16-6-1940,DKiG 29-3-1943 ,EL 8-8-1944)

The citation comes with announcement of the EK II award!!  read more

Code: 55930

120.00 EUR

Wehrpass/ citations grouping - Luftwaffe - Rgt.

Wehrpass/ citations grouping - Luftwaffe - Rgt."General Göring"/Flak - Bauer

Wehrpass and citations grouping of "Waffeninspektor" Heinz Bauer who served within several different units within the Luftwaffe.

Bauer started to serve within Rgt."General Göring" in 1936 and was trained at the "Waffenmeisterschule der Luftwaffe" (gunsmith school of the airforce)

Serving within few Flak units ,Bauer ended his military service under command of the 1...  read more

Code: 55928

325.00 EUR

O.T.(Organisation Todt)-  Dienstbuch - Cernin

O.T.(Organisation Todt)- Dienstbuch - Cernin

O.T.(Organisation Todt) "Dienstbuch" (servicebook) of "O.T. Vorarbeiter" Josef Cernin who served/worked within the O.T. project "Wiking" and "Fauske",both in Norway.

Unfortunately page25,26,27,and 28 have been cut-out.  read more

Code: 55926

110.00 EUR

Recognition certificate -

Recognition certificate - "Luftgau Belgien-Frankreich"

Attractive and decorative recognition certificate for special service in "Luftgau Belgien-Frankreich" (air district Belgium-France)

Nice!  read more

Code: 55925

65.00 EUR

Wehrpass/Soldbuch/HY grouping - 84.Inf.Div. /Volks Art.Korps (mot) 388 - Rosengärtner

Wehrpass/Soldbuch/HY grouping - 84.Inf.Div. /Volks Art.Korps (mot) 388 - Rosengärtner

Wehrpass/Soldbuch/HY grouping of "Obergefreiter" Walter Rosengärtner who served within Art.Abt.(mot) 1022 which was part of the 84.Inf.Div. ,Rosengärtners last unit to serve in was (as before) :schw.Art.Ers.u.Ausb.Abt.(mot) 62 which would become finally part of the Volks Art.Korps (mot) 388

Rosengärtner served within this unit under command of the 2.Fallschirmkorps and later un...  read more

Code: 55923

325.00 EUR

Wehrpass -  WH (Heer) - 86.Inf.Div. - Stein

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 86.Inf.Div. - Stein

Wehrpass of "Obergefreiten" Richard v who served within Inf.Rgt.216 of the 86.Inf.Div.

Stein was awarded the KvK II m.Schw. , EK II ,the SWB and the "Ostmedaillle" for his efforts during the fightings in France and Russia.

Nice entry photo with shoulderboards of Inf.Rgt.69 (the first unit Stein served in)

Due to a serious wound ,Stein was dismissed o...  read more

Code: 55917

160.00 EUR