1818 items found
Soldbuch cover

Soldbuch cover

Soldbuch cover in artificial leatherlook.
Interesting to see it costed 1,66 Reichs Mark by then.  read more

Code: 55631


Citation -  KM -

Citation - KM - "Admiral Schwarzes Meer" - Bien

Nice "Vordruck" (special unit print) EK II citation of "Fahnrich zur See" Walter Bien who served under command of "Admiral Schwarzes Meer" (Black Sea) and which has been signed by " Der Kommandierende Admiral Schwarzes Meer" in the rank of "Vize-Admiral" Helmuth Brinkmann (RK 17-5-1944)

Comes with a nice photo of the freshly awarded Bien.  read more

Code: 55630


Citation KM - Torpedoboot

Citation KM - Torpedoboot "Jaguar" - Kollodzey

EK II citation of "Maschinenmaat" Adolf Kollodzey who served on Torpedoboot "Jaguar".

The document has been signed by "Admiral und Flottenchef" Günther Lütjens (RK 14-6-1940)

Lütjens went down with the battleship "Bismarck" on 27-5-1941.  read more

Code: 55613


Soldbuch KM - 10.Minensuchflottille - Waldow

Soldbuch KM - 10.Minensuchflottille - Waldow

Soldbuch of "Obersteuermann" Harry Waldow who served within the 10.Minensuchfltille.

Waldow served for the French coast up to Biscay.

Waldow was awarded the EK II ,the "SudetenErinnerungsmedaille" ,the "Spanienkreuz ohne Schwerter in Bronze" ,the "Flottenkriegsabzeichen" and the "Minensuchabzeichen"!!

After the Normandy landings on D-Day ,Waldows uni...  read more

Code: 55615

550.00 EUR

Citation -  WH (Heer) - 253.Inf.Div. - Braun

Citation - WH (Heer) - 253.Inf.Div. - Braun

EK II citation of "Gefreiten" Hubert Braun who served within Gren.Rgt.453 of the 253.Inf.Div.

The document has been signed by "Oberst" Carl Becker (DKiG 18-10-1941 ,RK 29-10-1942 ,EL 14-4-1945)!!  read more

Code: 55616

90.00 EUR

Propaganda pressphoto - Dieppe

Propaganda pressphoto - Dieppe

Propaganda pressphoto which was taken shortly after operation "Jubilee" on August 19 1942 ,which failed.  read more

Code: 55617

60.00 EUR

Promotion certificate - RAD - Gutknecht

Promotion certificate - RAD - Gutknecht

Promotion certificate of "Oberamtswalter" Wilhelm Gutknecht who was promoted to "Hauptamtswalter" .

The document has been signed by "Reichsarbeitsführer" Konstantin Hierl (Deutscher Orden  read more

Code: 55623

175.00 EUR

Citation -  WH (Heer) - 353.Inf.Div./ - Böhme

Citation - WH (Heer) - 353.Inf.Div./ - Böhme

EK II citation of "Gefreiten" Siegfried Böhme who served within the Sanitäts Komp.2./Gren.Rgt.353 of the 353.Inf.Div.

The document has been issued "Im Westen" and has been signed by "Generalleutnant" Paul Mahlmann (DKiG 22-11-1941 ,"Ehrenblattspange" 5-10-1944)

The 353.Inf.Div. acted near the Belgium/Dutch border by then.

Nice "Westfront" citation!!  read more

Code: 55625


"Führerausweis der Hitler-Jugend" (I.D.)/ membershipcard N.S.D.A.P. - Wege

"Führerausweis der Hitler-Jugend" (I.D.) and the N.S.D.A.P. membershipcard of Helmut Wege

1) "Führerausweis der Hitler-Jugend" of "Oberkameradschaftsführer" Wege who lived and served in Korbach.

2) N.S.D.A.P. "Mitgliedskarte" (membershipcard) "Ortsgruppe" (local group) Korbach  read more

Code: 55626

135.00 EUR

Soldbuch/citations - Luftwaffe - 18.Flak Div. - Meyer

Soldbuch/citations - Luftwaffe - 18.Flak Div. - Meyer

Soldbuch and citations of "Unteroffizier" Johann Meyer who served within Flak Rgt.26 of the 18.Flak Div.

1) Soldbuch of "Unteroffizier" Johann Meyer who was awarded the EK II ,the "Kampfabzeichen der Flakartillerie" ,the "Ostmedaille" ,the "Erdkampfabzeichen" and the "Kraftfahrbewährungabzeichen in Silber"

2) EK II citation which has been issued at the "Gefechtssta...  read more

Code: 55628

545.00 EUR