1818 items found
Citation WH (Heer) - 545.V.G.D. - Meier

Citation WH (Heer) - 545.V.G.D. - Meier

EK II citation of "Gefreiten" Ernst Meier who served within Gren.Rgt.1086 of the 545 V.G.D.

The document has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Otto Obenaus.

Obenaus was MIA at Jaslo (Poland) on 15-1-1945.

What makes this worn document of extra interest is the fact that on the back is a "Begrundüng" (justification) for th...  read more

Code: 54016


"Ersatz Wehrpaß" /drivers-license - Luftwaffe - Flak - Schneider

"Ersatz Wehrpaß" (replacement) and drivers-license of "Unteroffizier" Adolf Schneider who served within various units but finally within "Kampfkommandant St.Johann" .

1) "Ersatz Wehrpaß" which has been issued on 5-6-1945 in "Lager LXXXII" (P.O.W. camp )
Every important info is in!

Entry "Eierhandgranaten"(handgrenade) is nice.

2) Dr...  read more

Code: 54009

70.00 EUR

Citation grouping -WH (Heer) -  25.Pz.Div. - Rönnebeck

Citation grouping -WH (Heer) - 25.Pz.Div. - Rönnebeck

Citation grouping of "Leutnant" Kurt Rönnebeck who served within Stab/H.-Flak Art.Abt.(mot) 279 under command of the 25.Pz.Div.

1) EK I citation which has been signed by "Geeralleutnant" and commander of the 1.Flakkorps Richard Reimann (RK 3-4-1945, EL 20-4-1945)!!

2) "Kubanschild" citation which bears the stamped signature of "GFM" Ewald von Kleist.
...  read more

Code: 54006

315.00 EUR

Wehrpaß -

Wehrpaß - "Volkssturmmann" - Rozenkreuz

Wehrpaß of "Volkssturmmann" Aügüst Rozenkreuz who was born in 1885 and who was draftet for the "Volkssturm".

Rozenkreuz did not show up for service as he should have.

NSDAP "Organisationsamt" Recklinghausen wonders why??  read more

Code: 54005

70.00 EUR

Wehrpaß /citation / photo grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak -  Wilkmann

Wehrpaß /citation / photo grouping - Luftwaffe - Flak - Wilkmann

Wehrpaß and citation /photo grouping of "Fahnenjunker" Richard Wilkmann who served within lei.Flakabt.834.

1) wilkmann was trained with various weapons but finally he would serve as a "Geschützführer" (gunner) of a 3,7 cm Flak gun.

Wilkmann was awarded the "Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1-10-1938" (not entered), the "Tätigkeitsabzeichen der Flakartillerie"...  read more

Code: 54003

545.00 EUR

SD postcard photo.

SD postcard photo.

Studio photo of a SD "Oberscharführer".  read more

Code: 54002

90.00 EUR

SD postcard size photo

SD postcard size photo "Hauptsharführer"

SD postcard size photo of a "Hauptsharführer" waering his ceremonial uniform.

Rare photo!  read more

Code: 54000

125.00 EUR

"Schule der Sicherheitspolizei" - Zakopane - Voigtländer

Envelope of a letter which has been sent by "SS-Hauptsturmführer" Voigtländer who commanded the "Schule der Sicherheitspolizei" in Zakopane.  read more

Code: 53997

75.00 EUR

Sipo/SD - Feldpost - Radom - 1940

Sipo/SD - Feldpost - Radom - 1940

"Feldpost" postcard of a man who served within "Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Distrikt Radom"

The postcard is dated 25-5-1940!  read more

Code: 53989

45.00 EUR

Wehrpaß /citation grouping WH (Heer) - 6.Pz.Div. - Gierlichs

Wehrpaß /citation grouping WH (Heer) - 6.Pz.Div. - Gierlichs

Wehrpaß and citation grouping of "Oberwachtmeiter" Peter Gierlichs who served within Art.Abt.76 of the 6.Pz.Div.

1) Wehrpaß of Gierlichs who has been awarded the "Erinnerungsmedaille für den Einsatz im Sudetenland 1938" ,the EK II ,the "Ostmedaille" and the EK I for his efforts during the fightings in Poland, France ,Latvia, Estonia and Russia.

Great "Gefechtskalen...  read more

Code: 53988

585.00 EUR