1818 items found

Postcard "Ein Volk,Ein Reich ,Ein Führer" - 1938

Attractive postcard "Ein Volk,Ein Reich ,Ein Führer" which is dated 9-10-1938 "Tag der Befreiung" (liberation day)  read more

Code: 53947

35.00 EUR

Soldbuch ,citation grouping - Polizei / SS - Marbach

Soldbuch ,citation grouping - Polizei / SS - Marbach

Soldbuch and citation grouping of "Meister der Schützpolizei" Josef Marbach who served within the notorious Polizei Rgt.13 (later SS-Polizei Rgt.13).

1) Soldbuch of Marbach who was issued a "SS-Soldbuch" (runes removed) in 1944.

Marbach ,who was a WW I veteran was awarded the EK II ,the "Frontkreuz für Frontkämpfer" ,the BWB,the "Schlesischer Adler" ,the "Dienstau...  read more

Code: 53946


"Heimkehr der Legion Condor" - postcard

"Heimkehr der Legion Condor" stamped postcard.  read more

Code: 53945

35.00 EUR

Deathcard  - Nettuno - Italy - Wunn

Deathcard - Nettuno - Italy - Wunn

Deathcard of "Panzer-Grenadier" Heinz Wunn who was KIA on24-2-1944 at Nettuno (Italy)  read more

Code: 53939

35.00 EUR

Wehrpaß / citation grouping - 34.Inf.Div. - Bast

Wehrpaß / citation grouping - 34.Inf.Div. - Bast

Wehrpaß / citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Josef Bast who served within Beob.Abt.34 (observation unit) of the 34.Inf.Div.

1) Wehrpaß with nice RAD uniform photo of Bast who was awarded the "Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehjrenzeichen" award ,the "Medaille treue Dienst mit Schwerter ,Klasse II" (Rumanian Medal) ,the BWB ,the "Ostmedaille" ,the KvK II m.Schw. ,the "Kraftfahrbewä...  read more

Code: 53938

415.00 EUR

Deathcard - Luftwaffe -

Deathcard - Luftwaffe - "Fsch.Jg." - "Westfront" - Krauß

Deathcard of "Soldat" Kurt Krauß who served within a "Fallschirmjäger" unit and who was KIA on 8-3-1944!! in Belford (France)  read more

Code: 53937

45.00 EUR

Citation set WH (Heer) - 18 Pz.Div. - Karrenberg

Citation set WH (Heer) - 18 Pz.Div. - Karrenberg

Citation of "Gefreiten" Adolf Karrenberg who served within Pz.Gren.Rgt. 101 of the 18 Pz.Div.

1) EK II document which has been signed by "Generalmajor" Karl Wilhelm v.Schleiben (RK 17-3-1943) as commander of the 18.Pz.Div.

V.Schleiben was commander of Cherbourg after the Allied landings in the Normandy region.
v.Schleiben surrendered on 26-6-1944 in...  read more

Code: 53933

150.00 EUR

Citation WH (Heer) - 72Inf.Div. - Saal

Citation WH (Heer) - 72Inf.Div. - Saal

EK II citation of 'Gefreiten' Leo Saal who served within schw.(heavy) Werfer Rgt.15 (Nebelwerfer in calibre 28/32 cms.)!!

The document has been signed by Generalleutnant Dr. Hermann Hohn as commander of the 72.Inf.Div.

Great unit!!  read more

Code: 53925

110.00 EUR

Award document set Luftwaffe -

Award document set Luftwaffe - "Erprobubungsstelle Rechlin" - Dittrich

Very unusual and rare set of "Fernschreiberin" Elisabeth Dittrich who served within the "Luftnachrichten Zentrale Erprobungsstelle Rechlin"

1) "Arbeitsbuch" of Dittrich who served as a "Luftnachrichten Helferin" since 15-1-1943 within "Seefliegerhorstkommandantur West" , followed by "Fliegerhorstkommandantur Hagenow" , "Luftgaukommando XI" and finally within "Erprobubungsstell...  read more

Code: 53923


Wehrpaß / citation grouping WH (Heer) - 96.Inf.Div./ 72.Inf.Div. - Hupe

Wehrpaß / citation grouping WH (Heer) - 96.Inf.Div./ 72.Inf.Div. - Hupe

Wehrpaß and citation of "Rittmeister" Wilhelm Hupe who served within several different units.

1) Wehrpaß of "Rittmeister" Wilhelm Hupe who was a WW I veteran who had served for the full 4 years mainly in France (Champagne)

During WW II he parcipated in campaigns in France (again) ,Bulgaria,Greece,Rumania and Russia.

Hupe ,therefore was awarde...  read more

Code: 53922

275.00 EUR