1833 items found
Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 290.Inf..Div. - Klemmer

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 290.Inf..Div. - Klemmer

"Zweitschrift" (second edition) Wehrpaß of "Sanitäts Unteroffizier" Georg Klemmer who served within several units of the 290.Inf.Div.

Klemmer must have seen a lot of action regarding his impressive "Gefechtskalender" (battlelist).

As a "Veterinär" (veterinar) company member ,Klemmer must have been busy with the large number of horses that served within the division...  read more

Code: 53278

120.00 EUR

Propaganda leaflet --190.Inf.Div. - Goch / Reichswald

Propaganda leaflet --190.Inf.Div. - Goch / Reichswald

Propaganda leaflet --190.Inf.Div. - Goch / Reichswald

The propaganda grenade has been fired towards German positions in 1945 and did not function.

The grenade was recovered few years ago and here it is..  read more

Code: 53266



N.S.D.A.P.- "Weihestunde" (hour of remembrance) - Ortsgruppe in Kopenhagen (Danmark) grouping

"Weihestunde" (hour of remembrance) program of the N.S.D.A.P." Ortsgruppe" in Kopenhagen (Danmark).

The pink entry card is one to get acces to the "Reichstag"
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Code: 53264

85.00 EUR

SS -

SS - "Heiratserlaubnis" (wedding permission) - Germania - Krallmann

Interesting "dossier" regarding the permission to "SS-Rottenführer" Wilhelm Krallmann to marry "Fräulein" Elenore Hildebrand.

Krallmann was stationed at the "SS-Unterkunft" Arolsen.  read more

Code: 53261

125.00 EUR

Award document grouping WH (Heer) - Inf.Div. Kurland - Knieber

Award document grouping WH (Heer) - Inf.Div. Kurland - Knieber

Award document grouping of "Gefreiten" Josef Knieber who served within Art.Rgt.86 of the 112.Inf.Div. and the Gren.Feldausb.Rgt.639.

1) "Ostmedaille" award document

2) EK II award document which has been issued at the "Korps-Abt.St.Qu." and which has been signed by "Major" Schenck.

3) Temporary "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" award document whi...  read more

Code: 53252

175.00 EUR

Soldbuch/Wehrpass WH (Heer) - Lappland- 263 Inf.Div.-Fürst

Soldbuch/Wehrpass WH (Heer) - Lappland- 263 Inf.Div.-Fürst

Soldbuch/Wehrpass of Georg Fürst who served with Inf.Rgt.485 as part of the 263 Inf.Div.and later with Gr.Heeresbaudienststell 69.

Fürst served in Belgium,France,Russia and finally Norway.

In Norway Fürst served under command of the 20 Geb.Armee

Fürst was awarded the "Lapplandschild"

Fürst has been hospitalized in "SS Ortslaza...  read more

Code: 53251

185.00 EUR

Award document grouping WH (Heer) - 251.Inf.Div. - Hogl

Award document grouping WH (Heer) - 251.Inf.Div. - Hogl

Award document grouping of "Oberfeldwebel" Emil Hogl who served within Inf.Rgt.459 of the 251.Inf.Div.

1) "Deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen" award document which has been issued in Kassel and which has been signed by the regimental commander.

2) EK II award document which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Hans Kratzert (DKiG 14-1-1942)read more

Code: 53249


Single award document WH (Heer) - Conrad

Single award document WH (Heer) - Conrad

"Ëhrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer" award document of "Eisenbahngehilfe" Ba(l)thasar Conrad.  read more

Code: 53246


Welfare -Crete - 1943

Welfare -Crete - 1943

Welfare related document "Kindergeschenke für die Heimat" which has been sent by "Uffz.Gosch" from "Kreta" (Crete)  read more

Code: 53244

15.00 EUR

Wehrpass WH (Heer) Kraftfahr Ausb.4 - Pohle

Wehrpass WH (Heer) Kraftfahr Ausb.4 - Pohle

Wehrpass of "Oberfeldwebel" Walter Pohle who served with many different units since his re-entry in 1939.

As a WW I veteran Pohle had seen already lots of action since Pohle was awarded the EK I AND II and the SWB besides some other awards.

During his service in WW II Pohle served with units that were all related to panzer and other vehicles and/or training...  read more

Code: 53243

175.00 EUR