1818 items found
Soldbuch WH (Heer) - Fest.Pi.Btl.52 - Johann

Soldbuch WH (Heer) - Fest.Pi.Btl.52 - Johann

Heavy used (loose but complete) Soldbuch of "Pionier" Otto Johann who served within several different pioneer units.
The last one he served within was Fest.Pi.Btl.52.

Johann seems to have been active in the "Niederrhein/Krefeld" area.

Entry picture has been removed (which is most times with POW Soldbuchs).

Johann was kept as a POW in F...  read more

Code: 53056

100.00 EUR

Photoalbum /

Photoalbum / "Segelflieger" I.D.grouping - Ceglarski

Photoalbum of "Segelflieger" Bruno Ceglarski who served within the Luftwaffe.

1) "Bescheinigung" (confirmation) that Ceglarski succeeded the glider course proof A.

2) Glider course proof B "Ausweis" (I.D.) with picture of Ceglarski in HY uniform.

3) Temporary glider course proof C "Ausweis"

4) Glider course proof C "Ausweis...  read more

Code: 53048

225.00 EUR

Photo -

Photo - "General Luftzeugmeisterei"

Photo of a member of the GL or "General Luftzeugmeisterei" (general development and supply division).

On the back is written :"Taganrog 1943" (Russia)

Rare picture!!  read more

Code: 53047

90.00 EUR

Single award document WH (Heer) -

Single award document WH (Heer) - "Stellungsbeobachtungsabteilung 49" - Mahler

EK II award document of "Gefreiten" Heinrich Mahler who served within Stab/Stellungsbeobachtungsabteilung 49 .

This unit observed enemy positions!

The document has been signed by "General der Infanterie" Erich Jaschke (RK 4-12-1941 ,EL 7-9-1943)

Interesting unit!!  read more

Code: 53046

90.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - Schw.Werfer Rgt.1 - Pössel

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - Schw.Werfer Rgt.1 - Pössel

Wehrpaß of "Obergefreiten" Albin Pössel who served within Schw.Werfer Rgt.1 ("Nebelwerfer").

Pössel has been awarded the BWB and the EK II for his efforts during the fightings in the Balkan area and Russia.

Although Pössel was used to fire heavy rockets towards the enemy he was hit by a grenade (Art.Volltreffer) himself on 1-12-1942.

Great unit!!  read more

Code: 53044

225.00 EUR

Commemorative certificate set - Kampfgeschwader 1

Commemorative certificate set - Kampfgeschwader 1 "Hindenburg" - Schott

Commemorative certificate set of "Unteroffizier" Robert Schott who served within Kampfgeschwader 1 "Hindenburg".

1) Very decorative and attractive commemorative certificate in A 4 size to Schott as he was transferred to a new unit.
The document has been signed by the commanding officer , "Hauptmann" Weber.

2) A4 size official unit letter to Schott i...  read more

Code: 53043

265.00 EUR

Waffen SS /Polizei postcard picture - Schrötes

Waffen SS /Polizei postcard picture - Schrötes

Waffen SS /Polizei postcard picture of Werner Schrötes who served within this branch.

Although photo shows a fold ,a nice and not that usual picture!  read more

Code: 53042

60.00 EUR

Single award document WH (Heer) - 163.Inf.Div. - Odendahl

Single award document WH (Heer) - 163.Inf.Div. - Odendahl

EK II award document of "Sanitäts-Gefreiten" Odendahl who served within Inf.Rgt.236 of the 69.Inf.Div.
The document has been signed by "Generalmajor" and commander of the 163.Inf.Div. Erwin Engelbrecht (RK 9-5-1940)

This great award documenthas been issued at Cjovik / Oslo (Norway) on 22-4-1940 !!!

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Code: 53038


Award document grouping WH (Heer) - 58..Inf.Div. - Bartlok

Award document grouping WH (Heer) - 58..Inf.Div. - Bartlok

Award document grouping of "Unteroffizier" Herbert Bartlok who served within Inf.Rgt. 220 of the 58.Inf.Div,

1) BWB award document which has been filled-in nicely and shows "bei Narwa" (at Narwa) as the place of injury.

The document has been issued at Flensburg and has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) "Ostmedaille" award document which has b...  read more

Code: 53036


Single award document WH (Heer) -

Single award document WH (Heer) - "Freiwillige Feuerwehr" - Rottmann

KvK award document of "Oberzugführer der Freiwillige Feuerwehr" (volunteer firefighters) Bernhard Rottmann.  read more

Code: 53035
