Deathcard /pictures Panzer-Westfront-Eifel-Vogt
Deathcard of Bernd Vogt who served as Unteroffizier in a Pz.Rgt. and fought in France and Russia.
Vogt was awarded the EK II and the Panzerkampfabzeichen before he was killed in the Eiffel area on 16-2-1945.
It comes with 2 pictures of Vogt. read more
125.00 EUR
Single award document ( Gespenster or Angern) KvK II m.Schw.-Verwaltungs-Kompanie 61-Schmitz
Award document KvK II m.Schw.that was issued to Obergefreiten Karl Schmitz who served with Verwaltungs-(management/administration) Komp.61 as a part of the 11.Panzer Div.aka " Gespenster Div. or Angern"
The doc.has an inkstamp signature of the divisional commander Wend von Weitersheim (RK 10-2-1942,EL 12-1-1943,Schw.26-3-1944)
Fine KvK award document!
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70.00 EUR
Telegram "Deutsche Reichspost"
Colourfull example of "Deutsche Reichspost"
A4 size. read more
15.00 EUR
Press artist impression by E.G.Heise-JU 88
War impression by artist/press drawer E.G.Heise who worked for the "Reichsministerium of Propaganda"
The charcoal cartonbased drawing shows a Ju 88 which attacks a Russian panzer and demolishes it succesfully.
It measures 44 x 55 cms and has the Original attached label of the "Reichsministerium of Propaganda" on the back.
A great opportunity to obtain a one of a k... read more
220.00 EUR
I.D.booklet "Die Deutsche Arbeitsfront-Jahres Sportkarte"
Rarely encountered "Die Deutsche Arbeitsfront-Jahres Sportkarte"
This booklet shows how workers were able to contribute to a healthy nation by sporting.
Neat booklet! read more
40.00 EUR
Period instruction/training card 3-Bildtafel "Sperren" (obstacles)
This is a nice - and not that easily encountered! - example of a period WH instruction-card . The medium-sized card (which is folded sized: 16 x 50 cms. and which contains operating-instructions of how to construct obstacles.
This card was published by the 'Verlag Ludwig Voggenreiter in Potsdam - were not 'standard issue' but had to be privately acquired by the soldiers ie. NCO's... read more
35.00 EUR
Period instruction card"Das Überwinden von Gewässern mit behelfsmäsigen Mitteln" (crossing water with necessary)
This is a nice - and not that easily encountered! - example of a period WH instruction-card (originating from the popular series:Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie. The medium-sized card (which is folded sized: 16 x 60 cms. and which contains operating-instructions how to cross rivers using all sorts of means.
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35.00 EUR
Period instruction card " Kartenlesen" (map reading)
This is a nice - and not that easily encountered! - example of a period WH instruction-card ) which is entitled: 'Kartenlesen,and issued by Ludwig Voggenreiter Verlag Potsdam. The medium-sized card (which is folded sized: 16 x 50 cms.These cards were not 'standard issue' but had to be privately acquired by the soldiers ie. NCO's and officers. Simply a nice and not that often encountered... read more
35.00 EUR
Period book "Der Sport im Gelände" (Trainingsbook for the SA sportbadge)
Part 1 and 2 of the special training book to obtain the SA sportbadge.
It contents guidelines for instuctors who had to decrease tests for one of the SA sportbadges.
Part one is in an overall nice condition,part two is a bit discoloured and misses a part of a corner.
Nevertheless a not often seen set! read more
70.00 EUR
Nice postcard of the famous "Feldhernhalle".
Sent on 19-8-1941 out of the "Hauptstadt der Bewegung"(München)
A nice postal run postcard! read more
20.00 EUR