Award document set WH (Heer) 206 Inf.Div.-Spielmann
Award document "Kraftbewä Bronze to Gefreiten Otto Spielmann who served with Werkstatt-Komp.206 as part of the 206.Inf.Div.
KvK II m.Schw. and handsigned by Generalleutnant u.Kdr.206 Inf.Div.Alfons Hitter (RK 14-12-1941,EL 4-6-1944) read more
90.00 EUR
High government official diner privilege cards
Privilege cards for Dr.Buman who was a high government official and therefor able to dine in the "Offiziersheim-Speiseanstalt des OKH"(officers restaurant of the supreme command of the army" and for the "Marinespeiseanstalt" (navy restaurant"
Probably no second chance to achieve one of these! read more
75.00 EUR
SS-T-Div.guidance certificate for wounded/ill
Guidance certificate for a ill SS stürmmann who served with SS-T-Div.(Totenkopf)
Not often seen! read more
Single award document E.K.II-6 Inf.Div.-Sawinsky
E.K.II award document of Gefreiten Karl Sawinsky who served with Aufklärungs Abt.6 (reconnaissance) of the 6 Inf.Div.
Handsigned by Generalleutnant and divisional commander Horst Grossmann (RK 23-8-1941,EL 4-9-1943)
Nice unit! "Used condition" read more
70.00 EUR
Sterbensurkunde (death certificate)
Sterbensurkunde (death certificate) that was sent to the next of kin of Gefreiter Franz Bures who served as a Gefreiten in the 2.comp. of Pi.Btl.331 as part of the 331 Inf.Div.
Franz died in Russia near Welikije Luki on 14-1-1944.
The unit eas almost completely destroyed in the "Falaise Pocket" in the Normandy.
The remnants of this unit were part of the German forces durin... read more
90.00 EUR
Award document set Nachrichten Abt.129-129 Inf.Div.-Heinz
Set of 2 award documents of Obergefreiten Paul Heinz who served with Nachrichten Abt.129.
Ostmedaille signed by an unidentified unit commander.
KvK II m.Schw. dated 10-2-1942 and signed by Gen.Maj.und Div.Kdr.Stephan Rittau (RK 2-11-1941)
Rittau was KIA on 22-8-1942 near Rshew !!!!!!!
read more
105.00 EUR
KvK II m.Schw. /Deutsche Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen award documents Gren.Rgt.366-227 Inf.Div.-Lammert
Deutsche Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen for Tiefbauarbeiter (constructor) Rudi Lammert (nice relief stamp!)
In 1944 Rudi (Rudolf) was serving with Gre.Rgt.366 as part o the 227 Northern Russia
Signed by Generall.Wilhelm Berlin (RK 6-4-1944) read more
95.00 EUR
Sport award grouping Pz.Aufkl.Ers.Abt.6-Nachtigall
Sport award grouping of Uffz.Nachtigall who seems to have been a sportive panzerman.
It starts with the award document booklet dated 1939 for his efforts in javelin-throwing.
2 booklet award documents for the distance jumping and the javelin-throwing dated 1943.
The 3 "Smuckurkunde" were issued to Uffz.Nachtigall as he served with Panzer-Aufkl.Ers.Abt.6.
Grea... read more
110.00 EUR
"Nachturlaubsbuch" (night permit booklet)
This curious booklet gave the owner permission to stay outside for certain hours which was not naturally.
It measures 8 x 10 cm,s. read more
20.00 EUR
Deathcard /pictures Panzer-Westfront-Eifel-Vogt
Deathcard of Bernd Vogt who served as Unteroffizier in a Pz.Rgt. and fought in France and Russia.
Vogt was awarded the EK II and the Panzerkampfabzeichen before he was killed in the Eiffel area on 16-2-1945.
It comes with 2 pictures of Vogt. read more
125.00 EUR