1809 items found

Out-of-print "Hohenstaufen"-related book entitled: "Verkauft und Verraten"

Hard to find book entitled: "Verkauft und Verraten" translated as "Sold and Betrayed" by the author Lothar v. Greelen.

A very good reference-book providing the complete history of the 9th.SS Division "Hohenstaufen" that provides the divisions'-tale starting from Tarnopol untill the beginning of 1945.

One of the first reference-books that showed the "German ...  read more

Code: 50110

35.00 EUR

Award-document set WH (Luftwaffe) - Flakrgt. 4 / 18. Flak Div.- Wulfert

Award-document set WH (Luftwaffe) - Flakrgt. 4 / 18. Flak Div.- Wulfert

Nice 3-pieced set belonged to Unteroffizier Karl Wulfert who served with the: Flakkolonne II./Flakrgt.4 as a part of 18th.Flak Div.

Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1 Okt.1938

EK II award document dated 26-9-1942 and signed by Generalmajor Richard Reimann Ritterkreuz (3. April 1945) Eichenlaub (20. April 1945).

This set comes with an not that c...  read more

Code: 50079

150.00 EUR


Decorative "Sterbensurkunde" (or death-award") - Gren.Rgt. 84 - Cords

Fine and decorative large-sized "Sterbensurkunde" concerning the death of Friedrich Cords who served within the 5th.Kompanie / Gren.Rgt.84 as a part of the 102th. Inf.Div.

These decorative remembrance documents were sent to the next of kin of the concerning soldier and could be considered as smal a memorial to all who were killed in action.

It comes with a ...  read more

Code: 50074

110.00 EUR

3 pieced award-document set WH (Luftwaffe) -  le.Flak Abt.717 - Clausing

3 pieced award-document set WH (Luftwaffe) - le.Flak Abt.717 - Clausing

Neat 3 pieced award-document set which belonged to Hermann Clausing who served with the: "le. Flakabt.717".

He received the Ost-medaille dated 7-8-1942 and signed by his Batteriechef.

After seen some action in Russia Clausing went to Italy.

The E.K.II.Kl. award-document is dated 19-06-1944 and signed by the General der Flieger u. kommandieren...  read more

Code: 50055

190.00 EUR

Single document: Verwundeten Abz. Silber - Walter

Single document: Verwundeten Abz. Silber - Walter

Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber
Date: 21-5-1945
Condition: used, once folded, hole-punched & somewhat denazified.
Document size: A5
Issued to: Unteroffizier Hermann Walter
Unit: Panzer Gren.Ers.Batl.110 Gleiwitz
Ink-stamp: Dienststelle Fp.Nr. 45309
Signed by: Oberstabarzt u.Chefarzt...  read more

Code: 50027

65.00 EUR

Single document: E.K.II Kl. - Joachim

Single document: E.K.II Kl. - Joachim

Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Date: 4-9-1942
Condition: used, twice folded, somewhat stained
Document size: A5
Issued to: Gefreiten Leo Joachim
Unit: 3./Pi.Bataillon 296
Ink-stamp: 296 Inf.Div.
Signed by: Generalmajor und Div.Führer Karl Faulenbach
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Code: 50026

60.00 EUR

Single document: EK II. Kl. - Zinkhan

Single document: EK II. Kl. - Zinkhan

Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Date: 20-8-1941
Condition: used,once folded
Document size: A5
Issued to: Gefreiten Karl Zinkhan
Unit: 2./Aufkl.Abt.251
Ink-stamp: Kdo.251.Inf.Div.
Signed by: Generalleutnant und Divisionskommandeur Otto Schellert

Additional information: D...  read more

Code: 50023

70.00 EUR

Single document KvK II. Kl. mit Schw. - Pottmann

Single document KvK II. Kl. mit Schw. - Pottmann

Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
Date: 9-11-1943
Condition: used, once folded
Document size: A5
Issued to: Obergefreiten Gustav Pottmann
Unit: Stab 6. Inf.Div.
Ink-stamp:Oberkommando der 6. Inf.Div.
Signed by: General der Infanterie Horst Grossmann  read more

Code: 50015

70.00 EUR

Single document KvK II. Kl. mit Schw. - Stöffin

Single document KvK II. Kl. mit Schw. - Stöffin

Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
Date: 4-1-1942
Condition: good, once folded
Document size: A5
Issued to: Unteroffizier Hans Stöffin
Ink-stamp: Luftflottenkommando 3
Signed by: Oberst and adjudant of GFM Sperlle

Additional information: Interesting KvK aw...  read more

Code: 50012

60.00 EUR