Willrich card Major der res.Hans von Rochow
Willrich card Major der res.Hans von Rochow read more
15.00 EUR
Mobilisation poster-Holland
Poster which was issued to inform reserve troops about thier upcoming mobilisation.
It measures 45 x 65.
Poor condition.
read more
50.00 EUR
Announcement poster-mobilisation 1939 Holland
Another example of a mobiliation poster which was used in the town of Voorhout.
It measures 60 x 90 cm,s. read more
115.00 EUR
Announcement poster-mobilisation 1939 Holland
Special announcement to mobilise Dutch armed forces.
The risk of an armed conflict was tangible.
This particular example was not used since it,s not been filled in.... read more
100.00 EUR
Announcement poster-Mobilisation Dutch armed forces-1939
Special announcement to mobilise Dutch armed forces.
The risk of an armed conflict was tangible.
This particular example was hanging in the town of "Westzaan" and even signed to make it official!
It measures 60 x 90 cm,s.
Not often seen in a "used" condition! read more
115.00 EUR
Additional pictures belonging to Wolfsschanze grouping.
The fact that Bickel obtained a gun on 4-1944 might say something about the circumstances he was working in(pic 8)
The last picture (9)shows a document that gives him permission to stop his activities due to the fact his working area was encircled by American and French troops. read more
WH (Heeres) Wehrpass - Art.Rgts. 186-169-361-196 - Schürmeyer
Wehrpas that belonged to Rudolf Schürmeyer who served as a artillery-soldier within several artillery-regiments (resp, numbered: 186, 169, 361 and/or 196) and must have seen loads of action during the fightings in both France, Russia (Leningrad!), Norway, the North-Ukraine and/or Hungary.
One and other is confirmed by his award entries: being respectively for an: Ostmedai... read more
130.00 EUR
Period book entitled: "Artilleristen-Fibel"
Neat book entitled: "Artilleristen-Fibel" holding 132 pages full of information about everything one needed to know about the German artillery. read more
20.00 EUR