Period book entitled: "Kampf um Volk und Reich" - bearing a period dedication conc. the "Kampfgeschwader "Hindenburg"
Nice period book concerning the German history in the nineteenth and twentieth century.
What makes this book special is the handwritten text ie. caligraphed dedication inside that reads: 'Zur Erinnerung an den Einsatz im Osten IV./Kampfgeschwader "Hindenburg" 1 im Osten, 1-2-1943'
It means: In rememrance of the involvement in the East in 1942/1943.
<... read more
40.00 EUR
Out-of-print "Hohenstaufen"-related book entitled: "Verkauft und Verraten"
Hard to find book entitled: "Verkauft und Verraten" translated as "Sold and Betrayed" by the author Lothar v. Greelen.
A very good reference-book providing the complete history of the 9th.SS Division "Hohenstaufen" that provides the divisions'-tale starting from Tarnopol untill the beginning of 1945.
One of the first reference-books that showed the "German ... read more
35.00 EUR
Award-document set WH (Luftwaffe) - Flakrgt. 4 / 18. Flak Div.- Wulfert
Nice 3-pieced set belonged to Unteroffizier Karl Wulfert who served with the: Flakkolonne II./Flakrgt.4 as a part of 18th.Flak Div.
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1 Okt.1938
EK II award document dated 26-9-1942 and signed by Generalmajor Richard Reimann Ritterkreuz (3. April 1945) Eichenlaub (20. April 1945).
This set comes with an not that c... read more
150.00 EUR
Decorative "Sterbensurkunde" (or death-award") - Gren.Rgt. 84 - Cords
Fine and decorative large-sized "Sterbensurkunde" concerning the death of Friedrich Cords who served within the 5th.Kompanie / Gren.Rgt.84 as a part of the 102th. Inf.Div.
These decorative remembrance documents were sent to the next of kin of the concerning soldier and could be considered as smal a memorial to all who were killed in action.
It comes with a ... read more
110.00 EUR
3 pieced award-document set WH (Luftwaffe) - le.Flak Abt.717 - Clausing
Neat 3 pieced award-document set which belonged to Hermann Clausing who served with the: "le. Flakabt.717".
He received the Ost-medaille dated 7-8-1942 and signed by his Batteriechef.
After seen some action in Russia Clausing went to Italy.
The E.K.II.Kl. award-document is dated 19-06-1944 and signed by the General der Flieger u. kommandieren... read more
190.00 EUR
Single document: Verwundeten Abz. Silber - Walter
Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber
Date: 21-5-1945
Condition: used, once folded, hole-punched & somewhat denazified.
Document size: A5
Issued to: Unteroffizier Hermann Walter
Unit: Panzer Gren.Ers.Batl.110 Gleiwitz
Ink-stamp: Dienststelle Fp.Nr. 45309
Signed by: Oberstabarzt u.Chefarzt... read more
65.00 EUR
Single document: E.K.II Kl. - Joachim
Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Date: 4-9-1942
Condition: used, twice folded, somewhat stained
Document size: A5
Issued to: Gefreiten Leo Joachim
Unit: 3./Pi.Bataillon 296
Ink-stamp: 296 Inf.Div.
Signed by: Generalmajor und Div.Führer Karl Faulenbach
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60.00 EUR
Single document: EK II. Kl. - Zinkhan
Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Date: 20-8-1941
Condition: used,once folded
Document size: A5
Issued to: Gefreiten Karl Zinkhan
Unit: 2./Aufkl.Abt.251
Ink-stamp: Kdo.251.Inf.Div.
Signed by: Generalleutnant und Divisionskommandeur Otto Schellert
Additional information: D... read more
70.00 EUR
Single document KvK II. Kl. mit Schw. - Pottmann
Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
Date: 9-11-1943
Condition: used, once folded
Document size: A5
Issued to: Obergefreiten Gustav Pottmann
Unit: Stab 6. Inf.Div.
Ink-stamp:Oberkommando der 6. Inf.Div.
Signed by: General der Infanterie Horst Grossmann read more
70.00 EUR
Single document KvK II. Kl. mit Schw. - Stöffin
Document-type: single award document
Issued for: Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
Date: 4-1-1942
Condition: good, once folded
Document size: A5
Issued to: Unteroffizier Hans Stöffin
Ink-stamp: Luftflottenkommando 3
Signed by: Oberst and adjudant of GFM Sperlle
Additional information: Interesting KvK aw... read more
60.00 EUR