1818 items found
Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe -

Wehrpass /citation grouping - Luftwaffe - "H.G" - Roggelin

Wehrpass and citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Heinz Roggelin who served within few different Flak related units.

The last unit Roggelin served in was: Stab Pz.Div."Hermann Göring"!!

1) Wehrpass of Roggelin who was awarded the EK II ,the "Kampfabzeichen der Flakartillerie" and the "Ostmedaille"

Roggelin was trained to operate the 2 cm Flak 30 and ...  read more

Code: 55874

535.00 EUR

"Segelflugzeugführer" (gliderpilot) permit - Schütte

Not often seen "Luftfahrerschein" (pilot,s license) for "Segelflugzeugführer" (gliderpilot) permit of "Flieger" Werner Schütte who served within the Luftwaffe and served at the "Flugzeugführerschule" in Altenburg  read more

Code: 55872

95.00 EUR

"Dich ruft die SS" (the SS calls on you !) - 1942

"Dich ruft die SS" (the SS calls on you !) recruiting booklet in a very nice condition which was published in 1942 and which was edited by the "Reichsführer SS" Heinrich Himmler.

Interesting booklet (96 pages) which still has the original "Meldezettel" (registration form to enlist) in the back  read more

Code: 55869

345.00 EUR

Hoffmann postcard with signature  - Niemack

Hoffmann postcard with signature - Niemack

Hoffmann postcard with signature of "Major" Horst Niemack (RK 13-6-1940 ,EL 10-8-1941 ,Schw.4-6-1944)

Niemack was known as a very skilled commander within the "GD" and "Panzer Lehr" divisions!!  read more

Code: 55867

175.00 EUR

Soldbuch  WH / Luftwaffe - 18.Luftwaffe Feld Div. - Wüst

Soldbuch WH / Luftwaffe - 18.Luftwaffe Feld Div. - Wüst

Soldbuch of "Oberleutnant" Fritz Wüst who served within few different Heer (Army) units like Inf.Rgt. 515 of the 294.Inf.Div. and Inf.Rgt.534 of the 384.Inf.Div.!! before he was transferred to Lw.Feld-Div.18 (actually as Army division).

The 18.Feld Div. was almost complete destroyed at Mons (Belgium) but it is hard to say in what way Wüst was involved?!

Wüst was is...  read more

Code: 55865

325.00 EUR

Deathcard - DKiG - 7.Inf.Div. - Huber

Deathcard - DKiG - 7.Inf.Div. - Huber

Deathcard of "Oberfeldwebel" Alois Huber who served within Inf.Rgt.19 of the 7.Inf.Div.

Huber was awarded the EK II ,the EK I ,the DKiG!!! ,the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen ,the KvK II m.Schw. the BWB and the "Ostmedaille"!!

Huber was KIA on 6-11-1942 near Nekrassowo.  read more

Code: 55864

95.00 EUR

Photo Luftwaffe -

Photo Luftwaffe - "Felddivison"

Photo (7,5 x 10 cms.) Luftwaffe of a soldier who served within a "Felddivison" and who is wearing a "Felddivison" lacket!!  read more

Code: 55860

35.00 EUR

Deathcard -

Deathcard - "Waffen-SS" - "Deutschland" - Würdinger

Deathcard of "SS-Sturmmann" Sepp Würdinger who served within regiment "Deutschland"

Würdinger was KIA on 21-1-1942.

Note the Nr.1 collartab!!  read more

Code: 55852

90.00 EUR

Soldbuch /

Soldbuch / "EKM" - WH (Heer) - 275.Inf.Div. - Daehner

Soldbuch and "EKM" of "Obergefreiten" Erich Daehner (Dähner) who served finally within Gren.Rgt.983 of the 275.Inf.Div.

Daehner was awarded the EK II and BWB

Daehner has been injured/wounded more then once and was hospitalized in Lesvellec/Vannes (France) on 16-6-1944/23-6-1944 due to left upper arm burning wound.

Daehner was active in the Normandy r...  read more

Code: 55848

385.00 EUR

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 106.Inf.Div. - Seibel

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - 106.Inf.Div. - Seibel

Citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Erich Seibel who served within Rgt.Gruppe 113

1) Attractive BWB citation which has been issued at Reserve -Lazarett II Chemnitz.

2) EK II citation which has been issued at the "Divisions Gefechtstand" (divisional commandpost) and which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Siegfried von Rekowski (Ehrenblat...  read more

Code: 55847

215.00 EUR