1818 items found
Citation set -  WH (Heer) - 83 .Inf.Div. - Böhner

Citation set - WH (Heer) - 83 .Inf.Div. - Böhner

Citation set of "Oberschützen" Ludwig Böhner who served within Pz.Jg.Kp.559 under command of the VII.Armeekorps and Pz.Jäg.-Abt.219 of the 183.Inf.Div.

1) BWB citation which has been signed by the commanding officer of "Art.-Batl.Schöne"

2) EK II citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander August Dettling (DKiG 7-3-1942)  read more

Code: 55801

120.00 EUR

"Bestallung" (appointment) - "Flakgruppe Antwerpen" - Bittersohl

"Bestallung" (appointment) of promotion to "Oberwachtmeister" Erich Bittersohl who served within Flak Rgt.32

The document has been signed by "Oberstleutnant" and commander of Flak Rgt.95 aka "Flakgruppe Antwerpen" ,Franz Kossmag

Masterpiece of a calligraphed document!!  read more

Code: 55797

40.00 EUR

Soldbuch /EKM /photos WH (Heer) -

Soldbuch /EKM /photos WH (Heer) - "Gesteinbohrkompanie 4" - Stöber

Soldbuch with "EKM" and photos of "Oberfeldwebel" Josef Stöber who served within Gesteinbohrkompanie 4 (pioneer rock drilling unit)!!

Stöber was awarded the KvK II m.Schw. and owned a Cal.7,65 Modell 27 handgun.

Nice Soldbuch!!

2) "Erkennungsmarke" (dogtag) of Stöber

3) 14 photos related to Stöber that came with the Soldbuch  read more

Code: 55793

170.00 EUR

Hoffmann postcard - Brill. recipient - Galland

Hoffmann postcard - Brill. recipient - Galland

Hoffmann postcard of "Generalleutnant" Adolf Galland (RK 29-7-1940 ,EL 24-9-1940 ,Schw.21-6-1941 ,Brill.28-1-1942)

Galland who was the second "Brillianten" recipient on 28-1-1942 and 1 of the few Me.262 aces!!!!!!  read more

Code: 55791

225.00 EUR

Citation grouping /photo album  WH (Heer) -  6.Inf.Div. - Besenbrurch

Citation grouping /photo album WH (Heer) - 6.Inf.Div. - Besenbrurch

Citation grouping and photo album of "Obergefreiten" Hans Besenbrurch who served within Nachrichten Abt.6 of the 6.Inf.Div.

1) EK II citation which has been issued "Im Felde" and which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisonal commander Helge Auleb (DKiG 26-12-1941)

2) Attractive "Vorläufiges" (provisionally) and commemorative "Ostmedaille" citation
...  read more

Code: 55788

450.00 EUR

Hoffmann postcard - Müncheberg.

Hoffmann postcard - Müncheberg.

Hoffmann postcard with period signature of Hauptmann Joachim Müncheberg (RK 14-9-1942 ,EL 7-5-1942 ,Schw. 9-9-1942).

Müncheberg credited 135 enemy aircraft shot down in over 500 combat missions.

The majority of his victories were claimed over the Western Front, with 33 claims over the Eastern Front. Of his 102 aerial victories achieved over the Western Allies, 46 ...  read more

Code: 55786

235.00 EUR

Wehrpass WH (Heer) - Inf. Div. - Leiner

Wehrpass WH (Heer) - Inf. Div. - Leiner

Wehrpass of "Stabsgefreier" Otto Leiner who served within Pi.Rgt.Stab z.b.V.45 (z.b.V. = for special purpose) under command of "Heeresgruppe Süd".

Leiner was awarded the KvK II m.Schw. and the "Ostmedaille" for his efforts during the service in France ,Rumania ,Greece ,Russia.(4 pages of "Gefechtskalender")

2) "Arbeitsbuch" of Leiner.  read more

Code: 55784

140.00 EUR

"Waffen-SS" postcard photo - "Deutschland"

"Waffen-SS" postcard weddingphoto of a "SS-Scharführer" who served within SS Rgt."Deutschland"

It should be noted that the (rarely seen!) officers'-pattern flatwire cuff-title in Latin-script entitled: "Deutschland" is being worn.  read more

Code: 55778

75.00 EUR

"Bescheinigung" - "Wehrmachtkommandantur" Den Haag - 1944 - Alban

"Bescheinigung" (confirmation) issued by the "Wehrmachtkommandantur" Den Haag in 1944

Alban bicycle was not to be taken!  read more

Code: 55776

35.00 EUR

"Wehrmachtkommandantur" Utrecht - "Freistellungsschein" - 1944

"Freistellungsschein" (exemption certificate) issued by the "Wehrmachtkommandantur" Utrecht  read more

Code: 55775

25.00 EUR