1818 items found

"Mitglieds-Ausweis" (membership-card) - Ködel

"Personenwagenverkehr - Reichsverkehrsgruppe Kraftfahrgewerbe" (motor trade) "Mitglieds-Ausweis" (membership-card) of Hans Ködel  read more

Code: 55417

25.00 EUR

"Gesundheitspass" (health-record) N.S.D.A.P. - Werner

Not often seen and attractive so-called: N.S.D.A.P. "Gesundheitspass" (health-record or card) of Lothar Werner  read more

Code: 55415

40.00 EUR


Mitglieds-Karte" (membership-card) - "Arbeitsdienst" - Westphal

Mitglieds-Karte" (membership-card) of Helmuth Westphal who served within the "Arbeitsdienst"

Westphal served within "Arbeitsgau 18" as can be corroborated from the 'Dienststellen-Abzeichen' as mounted onto his right arm.  read more

Code: 55413

30.00 EUR

Wehrpass WH (Heer) - 6.Pz.Div. - Schültz

Wehrpass WH (Heer) - 6.Pz.Div. - Schültz

"Zweitschrift" Wehrpass of "Obergefreiten" Franz Schültz who served within various (mainly reconnaissance) units.

The last unit Schültz served in was: Pz.Gren.Rgt.4 of the 6.Pz.Div.

Schültzs military campaign history started in Poland and went through France ,Latvia and Russia.

Schültz was awarded the "Sturmabzeichen" ,the EK II ,the BWB and the "Ost...  read more

Code: 55407

160.00 EUR

Wehrpass/citation WH (Heer) 123. Inf.Div. - Schalkowski

Wehrpass/citation WH (Heer) 123. Inf.Div. - Schalkowski

Wehrpass and citation of "Obergefreiten" Walter Schalkowski who served with Inf.Rgt.415 as part of the 123.Inf.Div.

With this division Schalkowski has been in Russia and was awarded the BWB,the "Infanterie Sturmabzeichen" and the "Ostmedaille".

The last entry of the "Gefechtskalender" states "defence of Cholm" (this is ofcourse not the Cholm cauldron yet)
...  read more

Code: 51427

150.00 EUR

SA small grouping sportsaward in bronce-shooting classification-Tillmann

SA small grouping sportsaward in bronce-shooting classification-Tillmann

Small SA grouping concerning Fritz Tilmann.

1) Leistungsbuch with all records needed to obtain the "Sportabzeichen in Bronze".

2) "Sportabzeichen in Bronze" citation

3) Schiessbuch (shooting record book) with a record list.
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Code: 50227

75.00 EUR

"Nationalsocialischtisches Fliegerkorps" - NSFK - Flugbuch - Wekstattdienstbuch - Wargel

Flugbuch Nr.1 of Karl Heinz Wargel.
He made 107 glider flights with type SG 38 Boot,Grunau and Kranich.
The Flugbuch has 3 glued-inn "Segelflieger-Prüfung" (gliderpilots tests) pages for class A,B,C..

Wekstattdienstbuch with few entries.

It comes with Wargels " Befähigungs-Nachweis für Segelflugzeugführer" (gliderpilot license).
Wargel...  read more

Code: 51308

90.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (KM) - U-Boot - Wiltero

Wehrpaß - WH (KM) - U-Boot - Wiltero

Wehrpaß of Rolf Wiltero who served within a U-Ausbildungsbteilung.

Wiltero started his basic military training within 2.Schiffstammabteilung in Wilhelmshaven.

After his basic infantry training Wiltero was trained at 3.Unterseebootsausbildungsabteilung in Pillau.

Witero died in "Reserve Lazarett I Schlosneiy"?

Great stamp of the "Komman...  read more

Code: 55402

145.00 EUR

Citation -  WH (Heer) -  126.Inf.Div. - Schultheiss

Citation - WH (Heer) - 126.Inf.Div. - Schultheiss

"Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber" citation of "Gefreiten" Wilhelm Schultheiss who served within Gren.Rgt.422 of the 126.Inf Div.

The document has been signed by "Oberst' and regimental commander Rudolf Wulf (RK 13-11-1942 ,EL 19-8-1944)!!  read more

Code: 55401

80.00 EUR

Soldbuch KM -

Soldbuch KM - "Hafenschutzflotille Cherbourg" - Krüppel

Neat, "Zweitschrift" Soldbuch of the: "Signalobergefreiten" Heinz Krüppel, who served on a "Schnellboot" within a unit named the "Hafenschutzflotille Cherbourg"".

As Krüppel served he was awarded the BWB and the "Schnellbootsabzeichen" for his efforts.

I sell the book as it came and was stored for decades: with a loose entry-picture!

The Soldbuch...  read more

Code: 55400

275.00 EUR