1818 items found
Citation -  WH (Heer) - Fla-Batl.52 -  Müller

Citation - WH (Heer) - Fla-Batl.52 - Müller

"Sturmabzeichen" citation of "Gefreiten" Gottfried Müller who served within Flak Batl.52 (Heer)

The document has been signed by "General der Kavallerie" Phillip Kleffel (RK 17-2-1942,DKiG 10-5-1943)  read more

Code: 55367

90.00 EUR

"Waffen-SS" - Soldbuch - Art.Abt.SS-Inf.Brigade 1 / Matzkau - Best

"Waffen-SS" Soldbuch of "SS-Schütze" Hubert Best who used to serve within Art.Abt.SS-Inf.Brigade 1.

It seems that Best was guilty of misbehaviour as he was demoted from "SS-Oberscharführer" to "SS-Schütze" and was sent to "Strafvollzugslager der SS- und Polizei Danzig-Matzkau" (correctional institute) where he stayed for a 2 months period.

The Soldbuch comes with a...  read more

Code: 55366

1200.00 EUR

Citation set - WH (Heer) - 201.Sich.Div. - Raith

Citation set - WH (Heer) - 201.Sich.Div. - Raith

Citation set of "Unteroffizier" Hans Raith who served within Sicherungs Rgt.601 of the 201.Sicherungs Div.

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" citation which has been signed by "Oberst" and regimental commander ?  read more

Code: 55364

100.00 EUR

Wehrpass -  WH (Heer) - 3.Kav.Div. - Schamberger

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 3.Kav.Div. - Schamberger

Wehrpass of "Waffen-Oberfeldwebel" Hans Schamberger who served within various units.

The last unit Schamberger served in was:Stab/3.Kavalerie Div.

Schamberger was awarded the "Schützenabzeichen für Machine Pistolen" ,the "Erinnerungsmedaille 13-3-1938" ,the "Dienstauszeichnung IV Kl." ,the KvK II m.Schw. and the KvK I m.Schw.!!

During the Poland camp...  read more

Code: 55363

155.00 EUR

"Waffen SS" - deathcard - Caen / Normandy - Kaindl

"Waffen SS" deathcard of "SS-Mann" Martin Kaindl who was KIA on 19-7-1944 southwest of Caen/ Normandy.  read more

Code: 55362

65.00 EUR

Soldbuch / Flugbuch grouping - Luftwaffe  - Fein

Soldbuch / Flugbuch grouping - Luftwaffe - Fein

Soldbuch and Flugbuch grouping of "Stabsfeldwebel" Josef Fein who served within various different flight related Luftwaffe units.

1) Soldbuch of Fein who spent many years on training/school facilities and flew 2121 missions (346620 km.) in all kinds of airplanes.

The last unit Fein served in was: Flugzeugüberführungs-Geschwader 1 (airplane transfer unit)
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Code: 55361

575.00 EUR

Photo - Luftwaffe - Fschj.

Photo - Luftwaffe - Fschj.

Reprint photo of a "Fallschirmjäger" whom is wearing his paratrooper helmet with "Tarnüberzug" (helmet cover)

Great photo!  read more

Code: 55359

15.00 EUR

Wehrpass -  WH (Heer) - 155.Res.Pz.Div. /9.Pz.Div. - KIA 1944 France - Walcher

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 155.Res.Pz.Div. /9.Pz.Div. - KIA 1944 France - Walcher

Wehrpass of Josef Walcher who served within few (Sf.) "Selbstfahrlafette" (selfpropelled) "Panzerjäger" units.

As part of the 155.Reserve Panzer Div. ,Walcher moved to France in January 1944 to be refitted all over.

Walcher had bad luck and was KIA on 20-5-1944 due to "Fliegerangriff" (air raid) in Orleans (France)  read more

Code: 55358

285.00 EUR

Hoffmann postcard - Luftwaffe - KC recipient - Dessloch

Hoffmann postcard - Luftwaffe - KC recipient - Dessloch

Hoffmann postcard of OL recipient "Generaloberst" Otto Dessloch.

The card has been slightly cut  read more

Code: 55355

125.00 EUR

Citation set -  WH (Heer) - 81.Inf.Div. - Bick

Citation set - WH (Heer) - 81.Inf.Div. - Bick

Citation set of "Unteroffizier" Alfred Bick who served within Gren.Rgt.174 of the 81.Inf.Div.

1) EK II citation which has been issued "Im Felde" and which has been signed by "Oberst" and divisional commander Franz-Eccard von Bentivegin.

2) BWB citation which has been issued "Im Felde" and which has been signed by the commanding officer  read more

Code: 55353

100.00 EUR