1818 items found

"Kriegsgefangenenpost" (POW post) - Spa - Cefrin

"Kriegsgefangenenpost" (POW post) which has been sent from Spa (Belgium) to Albert Cefrin who was kept POW in Fallingbostel (Germany)  read more

Code: 55352

15.00 EUR


Soldbuch,citations,"EKM" grouping - WH (Heer) - Heeres-Küsten-Art.Abt.789/774 - Walter

Soldbuch,citations and "EKM" of "Unteroffizier" Günther Walter who served within Heeres-Küsten-Art.Abt.789 and 774

1) Soldbuch of Walter with lots of enries.

Walter was awarded the Romanian "Kreuzzug gegen den Kommunismus" medal ,the EK II ,the Romanian "merit cross III class" and the "Kubanschild".

2)  read more

Code: 55351

385.00 EUR

Citation -  WH (Heer) -  Gen.Kdo.IV.Armee Korps - Sömmer

Citation - WH (Heer) - Gen.Kdo.IV.Armee Korps - Sömmer

EK II citation of "Schützen" Heinz Sömmer who served within Inf.Rgr.458 of the 258.Inf.Div.

The document has been issued at Dresden and has been signed by the provisionally commanding General of the IV. Armee Korps and commander of Wehrkreis IV "Generalleutnant" ?  read more

Code: 55350


Wehrpass -  WH (Heer) - 216.Inf.Div. - Schüchmann

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 216.Inf.Div. - Schüchmann

Wehrpass of "Gefreiten" Artür Schüchmann who served within Inf.Rgt.398 of the 216.Inf.Div.

Schüchmann was awarded the BWB and the "Ostmedaille".

Schüchmann was wounded by a "Granatsplitter"(shrapnel) which caused 2/3 less function.

Whether Schüchmann served ever after is the question as he was transferred to a "Reserve" unit.?!

Nice "...  read more

Code: 55349

115.00 EUR

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 61.Inf.Div. - Heller

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 61.Inf.Div. - Heller

Citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Hans-Adolf Heller who served within Inf.Rgt.162 of the 61.Inf.Div.

1) BWB citation which has been signed by the commanding officer "Major" Gottfried Weber (RK 13-10-1941 ,DKiG 16-2-1943 ,EL 9-6-1944).!!!

Weber would be promoted to "Generalleutnant" finally.

2) "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" citation which has been is...  read more

Code: 55348

245.00 EUR

Wehrmacht-Führerschein (army drivers-license) - WH (Heer) -

Wehrmacht-Führerschein (army drivers-license) - WH (Heer) - "Maultier" - Feuser

Wehrmacht-Führerschein (army drivers-license) of Theodor Feuser who served within Armee Nachrichten Rgt.563 and who was authorized to drive a "Maultier" (Sd.Kfz.3) half-track truck!!  read more

Code: 55347

45.00 EUR

Commemorative folder - 252.Inf.Div.

Commemorative folder - 252.Inf.Div.

Very attractive A4 size commemorative folder of the 252.Inf.Div. dedicated to the 1939/,40 campaign.

On the back a resumé of the issued awards!

Very nice!  read more

Code: 54080

125.00 EUR

"Flugblatt"(leaflet) - Arnhem - 1945

"Flugblatt"(leaflet) in the Dutch language!! which has been shot by Aleid troops to warn the Dutch civiliand for the upcoming attack on the "Geitenkamp"(North /East part of Arnhem) on 10-4-1945!!

This particular leaflet has been dug up as being part of the content of a so-called "propaganda grenade" few years ago in the "Geitenkamp" area!

Rare!!  read more

Code: 54051

40.00 EUR

"Krankenblatt" (medical record) - Pi.Btl. "Nederland" - Pastorik

"Krankenblatt" (medical record) of "SS-Pionier" Stefan Pastorik who served within Pi.Btl. "Nederland"!!

Although Pastorik was born in Ferdinandsberg (Germany) he was designated as "Holländer" (Dutchman) on some records.

Pastorik was hospitalized in Riga (Latvia)  read more

Code: 54069

275.00 EUR

Sipo / SD - file folder - Holland

Sipo / SD - file folder - Holland

A 4 size Sipo / SD - file folder "für die besetzten niederländischen Gebiete"- (for the occupied Dutch areas)
The file folder has been reused.  read more

Code: 54113

90.00 EUR