1818 items found
Wehrpaß/citations - WH (Heer) - 1.Pz.Div.- Fischer

Wehrpaß/citations - WH (Heer) - 1.Pz.Div.- Fischer

Wehrpaß and citations of "Oberfeldwebel der Reserve" Hans Fischer who served within Pz.Rgt.1 of the 1 Pz.Div.

1) Wehrpass Fischer who was trained for "Panzerfahrer" (tank driver) and "Panzerschütze" (tankgunner) in a panzer equipped with a 2 cm,3,7 cm or the 5 cm KwK (Kampfwagenkanone)

Fischer was awarded the BWB ,the "Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber" (tankcrew) ,th...  read more

Code: 55016


Citation grouping WH (Heer) -

Citation grouping WH (Heer) - "Festung Dünkirchen" - Kraft

Rare and interesting citation grouping of "Hauptmann" Erich Kraft who served within Schw.(heavy) Res.Art.Abt.70 (which was destroyed in France end of 1944)

Kraft served under command of the 226.Inf.Div. which occupied the "Festung Dünkirchen" till 4-5-1945!!

1) "Deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen" citation of Kraft.

2) Promotion document (Artil...  read more

Code: 55013

1245.00 EUR

Photo - Göring

Photo - Göring

Postcard size photo the entrance of one of Hermann Görings estates (Obersalzberg or Carinhall?)

The guard wears the black uniform of the "LSSAH"!  read more

Code: 55012

50.00 EUR

Hoffmann postcard - OL recipient - U-Boot - von Bülow

Hoffmann postcard - OL recipient - U-Boot - von Bülow

Hoffmann postcard of Otto von Bülow (RK 20-10-1942,EL 26-4-1943) who sank 14 ships and commanded several different units.

Nice handwritten "Feldpost" card with original wartime signature!

The card has been minimally cut.  read more

Code: 55009

150.00 EUR

Photo - Luftwaffe - JG 5 - Carganico

Photo - Luftwaffe - JG 5 - Carganico

Great signed photo of "Oberleutnant" Horst Carganico (RK 25-9-1941)

Carganico had 60 confirmed victories when he was killed during a fatal landing attempt.

Handsigned and dated 25-9-1941 (day of KC graduation)  read more

Code: 55007

225.00 EUR

Citation - Luftwaffe - K.G.3 - Petersen

Citation - Luftwaffe - K.G.3 - Petersen

EK II citation of "Gefreiten" Karl Petersen who served within II./Kampf Geschwader 3.

The document has been signed by "Generalmajor" Martin Fiebig (RK 8-5-1940,DKiG 11-5-1942,EL 23-12-1942)

Fiebig was sentenced to death as he was accused of warcrimes in Belgrado on 24-10-1947.

Note "Nahkampfführer 2" (special Luftwaffe role within the 8.Flie...  read more

Code: 55006

110.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - 72.Inf.Div./253.Inf.Div. -  Mergard

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 72.Inf.Div./253.Inf.Div. - Mergard

Citation grouping of "Oberfeldwebel" Hans Mergard who served within the 72.Inf.Div. and 253.Inf.Div.

1) "Deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen" citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Franz Mattenklott (RK 23-11-1941 ,DKiG 22-9-1942)

2) Nicely filled-in "Ostmedaille" citation .

3) BWB citation which has been issued at ...  read more

Code: 55000

125.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - 23.Pz.Div. - Peter

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 23.Pz.Div. - Peter

Citation grouping of "Stabsgefreiten" Herbert Peter who served within Pz.Gren.Rgt.126 of the 23.Pz.Div.

1) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Nikolaus von Vormann (DKiG 12-3-1942 ,RK 22-8-1943)

2) "Kraftbewährungsabzeichen in Gold"!! citation which has been signed by "Oberstleutnant" and regimental commander ?read more

Code: 54998

340.00 EUR

Postcard pictures -

Postcard pictures - "Waffen-SS" - panzer

2 Postcard pictures of 1 person who served within the "Waffen-SS".

As a "Panzer" man wearing the black uniform and some time later wearing the green combat

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Code: 54997

140.00 EUR

Citation -  WH (Heer) - 75.Inf.Div. - Boine

Citation - WH (Heer) - 75.Inf.Div. - Boine

EK II citation of "Gefreiten" Kurt Boine who served within Nach.Zug Pz.Jäg.Abt.175 of the 75.Inf.Div.

The document has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Ernst Hammer (RK 20-12-1941)  read more

Code: 54994

75.00 EUR