1818 items found

"Waffen-SS" - studiophoto

"Waffen-SS" - studiophoto of a "Rottenführer" with his wife or girlfreind.

Nice "Ostfront" veteran studiophoto which has unfortunately been folded once.  read more

Code: 55032


Citation -  WH (Heer) - 73.Inf.Div. - Steinmetz

Citation - WH (Heer) - 73.Inf.Div. - Steinmetz

Nice A4 size "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" citation of "Obergefreiten" Hubert Steinmetz who served within Inf.Rgt.170 of the 73.Inf.Div.

The document has been signed by "Oberst" Guido Mayer  read more

Code: 55031

100.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - XIV.Pz.Korps - Riess

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - XIV.Pz.Korps - Riess

Citation grouping opf "Obergefreiten" Fritz Riess who served within Stab Generalkommando XIV.Pz.Korps.

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by "Oberst" Hans Georg Schmidt von Altenstadt ((DKiG 8-5-1944)

Schmidt von Altenstadt died of on 25-7-1944.

2) BWB citation has been signed by "Oberst" Eberhard Thunert (DKiG 25-1-1943 ,RK 1-2-1945)read more

Code: 55029

210.00 EUR

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 245.Inf.Div./21.Pz.Div. - Lütz

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 245.Inf.Div./21.Pz.Div. - Lütz

Wehrpass of "Gefreiter" Wilhelm Lütz who served at the "Westfront" within Stab.245.Inf. Div. from 1-12-1944 untill 17-1-1945 and within Stab.21.Pz.Div. at the "Saarpfalz"(Saarland) and at the "Oder" front from 1-2-1945 untill 20-4-1945.

The "Gefechtskalender" shows "Einsatz an der Invasionsfront" which means here Lorraine.

"Westfront"!  read more

Code: 55028


Wehrpass/award document - Polizei Btl.131 - Norway - Bätz

Wehrpass/award document - Polizei Btl.131 - Norway - Bätz

Wehrpass/award document of "Rottenwachtmeister" Albin Bätzwho served within Polizei Btl.131 .

The "Bescheingung" (certificate) states that Bätzserved in Norway in 1940/1941.

The BWB award document has been issued due to his service in Russia as stated by the "Vorlaufiges" award document for the "Ostmedaille".

Wehrpass is empty.

...  read more

Code: 52205

215.00 EUR

Grouping WH (Heer) 25 Inf.Div.certificate for

Grouping WH (Heer) 25 Inf.Div.certificate for"Westfeldzug"-Altmann

Certificate for involvement in the succesful "Westfeldzug" in 1940.The 25 Inf.Div.started in the Eifel and crossed the Ardennes up to Aisne and along Compiègne and Chemin des Dames.
After thier succesful "Feldzug"Altmann and other Inf.Rgt.119 participients were awarded with this special document.
It comes with an old comrades remembrance document and 3 pictures.
Nice set!  read more

Code: 50363

85.00 EUR

Citation KM - 4.Sicherungsdivision - Raab

Citation KM - 4.Sicherungsdivision - Raab

"Kriegsabzeichen für Minensuch ,U-bootsjagd-und Sicherungsverbände" citation of "Funk Gefreiten" Raab who served withn the 4.Sicherungsdivision.

The 4.Sicherungsdivision operated at the French weat coast : Bordeaux ,St.Nazaire etc.etc.

The document has been signed by "Kapitän zur See" and commander of the 4.Sicherungsdivision,Hans John (DKiG 17-5-1943)  read more

Code: 55025

120.00 EUR

"Luftschütz-Dienstbuch" - Schmidt

"Luftschütz-Dienstbuch" (service book) of "Truppführer" Helwig Schmidt who served within the "Luftschütz-Abschnitt" Hamburg.

Schmidt fullfilled various tasks within his service ,like: "Kradmelder" (motorcyclist) and "Fahrer Sanitäts Gruppe" (driver in a medical unit) ,among other.  read more

Code: 55021

130.00 EUR

Waffen-SS photo - panzer

Waffen-SS photo - panzer

Postcard size photo of a "Waffen-SS" panzerman with a KM friend.  read more

Code: 55020

60.00 EUR

Citation WH (Heer) - Eisenbahn-Baukomp.119 / 2.Pz.Armee - Aldag

Citation WH (Heer) - Eisenbahn-Baukomp.119 / 2.Pz.Armee - Aldag

EK II citation of "Unteroffizier" Wilhelm Aldag who served within Eisenbahn-Baukomp.119 under comand of the 2.Panzerarmee.

The document has been signed by "General der Panzertruppe" Joachim Lemelsen (RK 27-7-1941,DKiG 15-7-1942,EL 7-9-1943).  read more

Code: 55019

85.00 EUR