1818 items found


Always interested in nice Holland related Soldbuch/Wehrpass/Documents

"Hohenstaufen" ,"Kampfgruppe Knaust" ,"Frundsbe...  read more

Code: 54825


Postcard -

Postcard - "Nachwuchsoffizier des Heeres"

Ready to be posted postcard issued by the "Nachwuchsoffizier des Heeres" (offspring army officer)
By filling-in this postcard one would volunteer to get "upgraded".  read more

Code: 54821

25.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 58.Inf.Div. - Kahl

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 58.Inf.Div. - Kahl

Wehrpaß of "Sanitäts-Unteroffizier" Hermann Kahl who served within few different units ,among others:the 58.Inf.Div.

Kahl was awarded the "Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer" ,the "Erinnerungsmedaille an den 1-10-1938" ,the "Ostmedaille" and the KvK II m.Schw.
Kahl participated in the "Panzernahkamphlehrgang" course in Goldingen (Courland)

Born in 1898 ,Kahl was s...  read more

Code: 54820

110.00 EUR

"Hoffmann" postcard - "Leutnant" Hugo Primozic

"Hoffmann" postcard - "Leutnant" Hugo Primozic  read more

Code: 54819

20.00 EUR

Soldbuch KM -

Soldbuch KM - "Amtsrat"(councillor) - Triebel

Soldbuch of "Amtsrat" (councillor) Arnold Triebel who served within the "Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine" (OKK)

Triebels "civil" occupation was "Wehrmachtsbeambter"

Triebel who was a WW I veteranwas awarded the EK II ,the BWB ,the "Baltenkreuz" (Baltic cross) ,the "Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer",the "Dienstauszaichnung II Kl.",the "Dienstauszaichnung IV Kl." ,the "Dien...  read more

Code: 54817

285.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) -  Oppermann

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - Oppermann

1) Wehrpaß of "Zahlmeister der Reserve im TSD" (Truppen Sanitäts Dienst) Fritz Oppermann who served within various different units.

Oppermann participated in few engineer and medical courses.
One of them was the "Sanitäts Schüllehrgang im Ortslazarett,Warschau".

Oppermann was awarded the "SA-Wehrabzeichen in Bronze" ,the "Reichssportabzeichen in Silber" ,th...  read more

Code: 54815

215.00 EUR

"Soldatenatlas" (atlas) - 1941

"Soldatenatlas" (atlas) - 1941.
"Nur für den Gebrauch innerhalb der Wehrmacht" (only for use within the armed forces)  read more

Code: 54814

35.00 EUR

HY -

HY - "Sporttagebuch"(sports diary)

Rarely seen HY - "Sporttagebuch"(sports diary) in an unused condition.  read more

Code: 54810

50.00 EUR

Waffen-SS postcard picture - SS-Flak-Ers.Rgt. - Oetzmann

Waffen-SS postcard picture - SS-Flak-Ers.Rgt. - Oetzmann

Waffen-SS postcard picture - SS-Flak-Ers.Rgt. - Oetzmann  read more

Code: 54797

35.00 EUR

"Ritterkreuzträger des Heeres" - Hans Becker

"Ritterkreuzträger des Heeres" - Hans Becker  read more

Code: 54795

20.00 EUR