1818 items found
Postcard - Willrich -

Postcard - Willrich - "Generaloberst" Dietl

Postcard - Willrich - "Generaloberst" Dietl  read more

Code: 54794

20.00 EUR

Postcard picture -

Postcard picture - "Major" von Varendorff - 1940

Postcard picture of "Major" von Varendorff from Essen dated 1940.  read more

Code: 54792

30.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 256.Inf.Div. - Tauscher

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 256.Inf.Div. - Tauscher

Wehrpaß of "Unteroffizier" Arno Tauscher who served within Inf.Rgt.456 of the 256.Inf.Div.

Tauscher served his whole military career (4 years) within the 256.Inf.Div.

Tauscher was awarded the "Deutsches Schützwall-Ehrenzeichen" ,the "Ostmedaille" ,the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichern in Silber" ,the EK II and the BWB

Of extra interest is the fact that t...  read more

Code: 54787

175.00 EUR

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 328.Inf.Div. - Stanossek

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 328.Inf.Div. - Stanossek

Citation grouping of "Hauptfeldwebel" Wilhelm Stanossek who served within Gren.Rgt.547 of the 328.Inf.Div.

1) "Deutsche Turn und Sportabzeichen" booklet (Bronze)

2) "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" citation which has been signed by the regimental commander

3) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

4) KvK II ...  read more

Code: 54785

365.00 EUR

Soldbuch/citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 385.Inf.Div. - Terfoorth

Soldbuch/citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 385.Inf.Div. - Terfoorth

Soldbuch/citation grouping of "Gefreiten" Heinrich Terfoorth who served within Inf.Rgt.537 of the 385.Inf.Div.

1) Soldbuch of Terfoorth who served first within the 299.Inf.Div.

Terfoorth was awarded the "Infanterie Stürmabzeichen",the EK II ,the BWB and the SWB (not entered in Soldbuch) for his participation in the fightings near Kursk and Woronesh and/or the attac...  read more

Code: 54783

290.00 EUR

Citation set - WH (Heer) -16. Pz.Div. - Portmann

Citation set - WH (Heer) -16. Pz.Div. - Portmann

Citation set of "Unteroffizier" Heinz Portmann who served within Schützen Rgt.64 of the 16.Pz.Div.

1) "Die Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1-10-1938" citation.

The document has been signed by "Oberst" Rudolf Höfer (DKiG 14-1-1942)

2) EK II citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Hans Valentin Hube (RK 1-8-1941 ,EL 16=...  read more

Code: 54782

185.00 EUR

"Reichluftschutzbund" I.D./membershipcard - ?

"Reichluftschutzbund" I.D./membershipcard in great condition with the contribution stamps unused added.  read more

Code: 54780

20.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 88.Inf.Div./161.Inf.Div. - Freyer

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 88.Inf.Div./161.Inf.Div. - Freyer

Wehrpaß of "Unteruffizier der Res" who served within Pz.Jäger Abt.241 of the 161.Inf.Div.

Freyer was awarded the "Medaille zür Erinnerung an den 1-10-1938" ,the "Medaille zür Erinnerung an den 12-3-1938" and the EK II.

Freyer DOW on 3-7-1941 in the Feldlazarett (mot.) 679 and was buried at the "Heldenfriedhof im Schloßgarten at Werenow an der Hauptstraße Lida/Wil...  read more

Code: 54779

130.00 EUR

Citation - KM -

Citation - KM - "Corrientes" - Seel

KvK II m.Schw.citation of "II Offizier" Eugen Seel who served on the "Dampfer" (S.S.) "Corrientes"

The document has been signed by "Kapitän zür See und Abt.Chef im Marinepersonalamt" Wener Ehrhardt.  read more

Code: 54776

85.00 EUR

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 225.Inf.Div.- Gerbers

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 225.Inf.Div.- Gerbers

Citation grouping of "Obergefreiten" Hinrich Gerbers who served within Gren.Rgt.377 of the 225.Inf.Div.

1) "Ostmedaille" citation which has been signed by the commanding officer.

2) KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisonal commander Walther Risse (RK 22-9-1941,DKiG 30-9-1944,EL 18-1-1945)

3) EK II citation which h...  read more

Code: 54771

175.00 EUR