1895 items found
N.S.D.A.P. -

N.S.D.A.P. - "NS-Volkswohlfahrt" - Röhl

I.D. grouping of Richard Röhl who was a member of the N.S.D.A.P. - "NS-Volkswohlfahrt" (social welfare).

1) "Personalausweis" (I.D.) of Röhl with contribution stamps and great full dress uniform photo!

2) Linen based "Personalausweis" (I.D.) with nice uniform photo.

3) N.S.D.A.P."Mitgliedskarte" (membershipcard)  read more

Code: 53904


NSKK -  I.D. grouping - Westmark - Schütten

NSKK - I.D. grouping - Westmark - Schütten

NSKK - I.D. grouping of Willi Schütten who served within Stürm 14/M148.

1) Not often seen NSKK-Paß of Schütten who served within Motor-Sturm 14/M 148 "Motor-Gruppe Westmark" (as can also be seen on the collartab of the I.D. picture).

2) "Quittungs-Karte" (Insurance card) of Schütten.

3) "Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen" Paß of Schütten.  read more

Code: 52923


Special edition

Special edition "Voor Volk en Vaderland" book

Special edition "Voor Volk en Vaderland" book which has been composed due to 10 years of "battle" of the N.S.B (Dutch Nat.Soc.Beweging/Party) in the Netherlands.

This particular example comes with the special (and rarely seen) added inlay which was only issued to members of the military unit "Landstorm Nederland".

Comes with its original dust cover!

...  read more

Code: 56718

225.00 EUR

Willrich - postcard

Willrich - postcard"SS-Hauptscharführer" Kepplinger

Rare Willrich postcard of "SS-Hauptscharführer" Ludwig Kepplinger (RK 4-9-1940 ,DKiG 28-2-1942) who served within III.?SS-Rgt."Der Führer" and who was responsible ,with 2 others for the capture of "Fort Westervoort"/Holland in Mai 1940 before they tried to conquer the "Grebbeberg" at Rhenen/Holland

Kepplinger was the first SS-NCO awarded with the KC! and was KIA on 7-8-1944 in ...  read more

Code: 56717

150.00 EUR

Citation - Stab/Eisb.Bau-Btl.106 - Halfpap

Citation - Stab/Eisb.Bau-Btl.106 - Halfpap

KvK I m.Schw.citation of "Oberfeldwebel" Georg Halfpap who served within Stab/Eisb.Bau-Btl.106

The citation has been signed by "Generalleutnant und General der Eisenbahntruppen" Otto Will  read more

Code: 56716

135.00 EUR

Soldbuch -

Soldbuch - "Technische Nothilfe" - Kremz

Rarely seen Soldbuch of "Stabshelferinn" Elfriede Kremz who served within the "Technische Nothilfe"

The Soldbuch has only the name and rank entered and is as "new" as it can get.

Kremz seems to have served within the RAD first as she was transferred to TN in August 1944

Comes with 2 official documents.  read more

Code: 56715

150.00 EUR

Citation - Luftwaffe - Hummel

Citation - Luftwaffe - Hummel

"Flugzeugführer" citation of "Unteroffizier" Ernst Hummel who was qualified to fly an airplane within the Luftwaffe

The document has been signed (or stamped signature?) by "Generaloberst" Bruno Loerzer (RK 29-5-1940)  read more

Code: 56712

150.00 EUR

Soldbuch - WH (Heer) - 356.Inf.Div. - France/Italy - Raiser

Soldbuch - WH (Heer) - 356.Inf.Div. - France/Italy - Raiser

Soldbuch of "Stabsgefreiter" Paul Raiser who served within Art.Rgt.356 of the 356.Inf.Div.

Raiser was awarded the "Ostmedaille" and the EK II

Raiser has seen active service in Southern France and Italy!

Well used "been there" Soldbuch!  read more

Code: 56709

185.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - 126.Inf. Div. - Vonderau

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 126.Inf. Div. - Vonderau

Citation grouping of "Obergefreiten" Ludwig Vonderau who served within Inf.Rgt.422 of the 126.Inf.Div.

1) "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber" citation which has been issued "Im Osten" and which has been signed by "Oberstleutnant" and regimental commander Günther Freiherr von der Goltz (DKiG 23-1-1942)

It has originally a reinforced backing!

2) EK I...  read more

Code: 56706

400.00 EUR

Soldbuch - WH (Heer) - 216.Inf.Div. - Springerum

Soldbuch - WH (Heer) - 216.Inf.Div. - Springerum

Soldbuch of "Oberleutnant" and battery commander Karl Springerum who served within Art.Rgt.216 of the 216.Inf.Div.

Springerum was awarded the "Deutsces Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen" ,the "Schiessabzeichen der 1.Stufe"and the EK II (not entered yet in Soldbuch as he was KIA soon after)

Entry page 15: "Gefallen am 3-9-1943 in ? ,Russland"

Springerum has bee...  read more

Code: 56705

225.00 EUR