1852 items found
Ehrenurkunde 143.Divison-Heller

Ehrenurkunde 143.Divison-Heller

Uncommon colourfull Ehrenurkunde awarded to Gefr.Heller for special efforts made by Keller in 1941.
The document is handsigned by Generalmajor Paul Stoewer.
It measures 15 x 22 cm,s.
Very attractive and uncommon  read more

Code: 50441

145.00 EUR

Wehrpass WH (Luftwaffe) Flak-Koenig

Wehrpass WH (Luftwaffe) Flak-Koenig

Wehrpass that belonged to Eduard Koenig who served with various Flak units from 1936 till the end of war?
He was awarded the KvK II m.Schw. in 1940.
Koenig served most of the time im "Heimatskriegsgebiet" and was involved in securing vital installations with his Flak 30-38.
The Wehrpass has few entries but what makes it a funny one is the uniform photo of Koenig but...  read more

Code: 50432


Feldgendarmerie pic.

Feldgendarmerie pic.

Picture of Feldgendarmerie NCOwhile enjoing a quick meal.
Size 7 x 11,5 cm,s.Agfa Brovira.  read more

Code: 50425

5.00 EUR

Dutch booklet concerning

Dutch booklet concerning " threat of war"

Dutch 23 pages booklet in which is being warned for threat of war and the fact Holland has only limited aircrafts.
Nice period booklet!  read more

Code: 50413

15.00 EUR

Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser

Grouping Dutch worker later NBS-Amsterdam-Leithuyser

Grouping concerning J.F.Leithuyser who worked for the powerplant in Amsterdam during the German occupation.
The documents state that Leithuyser is neccesary for the power station and for that reason not available for any other work.
The last document states that Leithuyser was a member of the "Nederlandsche Binnennlandsche Strijdkrachten"the NBS.
This document is s...  read more

Code: 50411

60.00 EUR

Award certificate

Award certificate "Silberne Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen-Mayer

Award certificate "Silberne Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen" of Bahnunterhaltungsarbeiter (railroad mantenance worker) for his 25 years of service.
It comes with a official document of the railroad authorities to show thier appreciation.
Funny  read more

Code: 50398

60.00 EUR

Award grouping (Smuckurkunde)

Award grouping (Smuckurkunde)

3 Pieced award document groupingthat belonged to Walter Müller who started as a Reichsbahnassistenten followed as being Ortsgruppenamtsleiter and then Reichsbahnobersekretär.
The awards in following order:Silberne Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen,Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege and last but not least the Kriegsverdienstkreuz II.
All 3 big size (21 x 29 cm,s) and all 3 with nice P...  read more

Code: 50385


Award certificate Regierungsassessor (Governement assistent)

Award certificate Regierungsassessor (Governement assistent)

Official political award certificate (Smuckurkunde) for Fritz Reichert who is being promoted to Regierungsassessor (Governement assistent)
A very attractive and decorative big size (25 x 35 cm,s
Rare original handsigned document!  read more

Code: 50381

145.00 EUR

Enlistment form

Enlistment form "Der Pimpf"

Enlistment form for a subscription of the national socialistic montly youth magazine"Der Pimpf"  read more

Code: 50373

10.00 EUR

Fallschirmjäger in tropical conditions.

Fallschirmjäger in tropical conditions.

Reproduction of a picture of a"Fallschirmjäger"
It measures 16 x 23 cm,s.  read more

Code: 50371

10.00 EUR