1818 items found

"Waffen-SS" photo - "Der Führer"

"Waffen-SS" postcard size photo of a well-awarded "SS-Unterscharführer" who served within regiment "Der Führer" and who is shown with his wife/girlfrined.  read more

Code: 55285

60.00 EUR

"Postschütz" - postcard size photo

"Postschütz" - postcard size photo.

Rarely seen unit photo!!  read more

Code: 55279

60.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - 36.Inf.Div. - Schmidt

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 36.Inf.Div. - Schmidt

Citation grouping of "Oberleutnant" Hermann Schmidt who served within Art.Rgt.72 of the 36.Inf.Div.

1) Promotion to "Leutnant" certificate which has been signed by "Der Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres" and "GFM" Walther von Brauchitsch (RK 30-9-1939)!!

2) "Dienstauszeichnung IV Klasse" citation which has been signed by "Oberst" and regimental commander Fritz Krause (DK...  read more

Code: 55278

395.00 EUR

"Deutsche-Heereskarte" (map) - WH (Heer) - Latvia

"Deutsche-Heereskarte" (map) with tactical signs of the area of Gostini (Latvia)

Both sides were printed as map (Latvia)  read more

Code: 55277

85.00 EUR

"Algemiene SS" - postcard size photo

"Algemiene SS" - postcard size photo which has been shot at photographer studio E.Wilke in Goslar.  read more

Code: 55275


Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - 1.Pz.Div.-  Frickl

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 1.Pz.Div.- Frickl

Citation grouping of "Sanitäts-Unteroffizier" Josef Frickl who served within Pz.Gren.Rgt.1 of the 1.Pz.Div.

1) EK II citation which has been issued at the divisional command post and which bears the stamped signature of "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Walter Krüger.

2) "Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze" citation which has been signed by "Oberst" and regimenta...  read more

Code: 55274


Waffen SS postcard picture - 1943

Waffen SS postcard picture - 1943

Waffen SS postcard picture of an "SS-Mann"
The photo is dated 1943  read more

Code: 55272


Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 267.Inf.Div. - Müller

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 267.Inf.Div. - Müller

Citation grouping of "Feldwebel" Gustav Müller who served within Schützen Rgt.69 and 86 of the 10.Pz.Div.

1) BWB citation which has been issued at St.Cheron (France) during the "Blitzkrieg" 1940 and has been signed by "Oberst" and regimental commander Erwin Menny (RK 26-12-1941).

2) Attractive KvK II m.Schw. citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divi...  read more

Code: 55269

415.00 EUR

Waffen SS postcard picture - 1943

Waffen SS postcard picture - 1943

Waffen SS postcard picture of a "SS-Mann" which has been taken at Foto-Bethke in Kassel in 1943.  read more

Code: 55267


Wehrpass - WH (Heer) -

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - "Pionier" - Knoblauch

Wehrpass with nice RAD entry photo of "Unteroffizier" Kurt Knoblauch (garlic) who served within various pioneer related units during 8 years of service.

Knoblauch served mainly within Pi.Btl.33 and Pi.Btl.34 under command of the 34.Inf.Div.

Knoblauch was awarded the "Deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen" ,the KvK II m.Schw. ,the EK II ,the "Stürmabzeichen" and the KvK ...  read more

Code: 55266

170.00 EUR