1818 items found
RK recipient Brinkforth - KIA - 1942

RK recipient Brinkforth - KIA - 1942

Photo of the grave of "Unteroffizier" and KC recipient Hubert Brinkforth who served within Sch.Rgt.25 of the 12.Pz.Div.

Brinkforth was the first lower ranking KC recipient during WW II.

1) Photo of Brinkforths grave in Russia.

2) Mini booklet of the "Helden der Wehrmacht" serie concerning Brinkforth.

3) Hoffmann postcard (slightly cut ...  read more

Code: 55264

110.00 EUR

"Dienstausweis" grouping - "Feuerschutzpolizei Litmannstadt" (Lódz) - Tölke

"Dienstausweis" (service I.D.) grouping of "Bezirks Oberleutnant der Feuerschutzpolizei" Alfred Tölke who served within and commanded the "Feuerschutzpolizei Litmannstadt" (Lódz)!!

"Litmannstadt" was the second largest Ghetto in the centre of Poland.

1) "Dienstausweis" (service I.D.) of Tölke who commanded the "Feuerschutzpolizei Litmannstadt" and was one of the l...  read more

Code: 55263

325.00 EUR

"Kriegsmarine Werft-La Pallice" - I.D. - La Rochelle - Dittscheid

Rare "Kriegsmarine Werft-La Pallice" I.D. of Heinrich Dittscheidwho served at the "U-Boot" (submarine) "Kriegsmarine Werft-La Pallice" in Rochelle (France)

Dittscheid wasmost probably active as a maintenance technician.

La Pallice is aka Grand Port maritime de La Rochelle.

Comes with some photos related to Dittscheid.

The submaine ba...  read more

Code: 55259

435.00 EUR

Waffen SS postcard picture

Waffen SS postcard picture

Waffen SS postcard picture of a "SS-Mann" which served within the "Muzikzug" (band) wearing the spcial "Schwalbe" shoulderparts.  read more

Code: 55255

65.00 EUR

Citation set -  WH (Heer) -  Sich.Div.281 - Jung

Citation set - WH (Heer) - Sich.Div.281 - Jung

KvK II m.Schw.citation set of "Obergefreiten" Wolfgang Jung who served within Gren.Rgt.368 under command of the the Sich.Div.281.

1) KvK II m.Schw.citation which has been signed by "Generalmajor" and provisionally divisional commander Bruno Scultetus.

2) "Bescheingung" (proof) of 4 "Sturmtagen" (assault days) which provided Jung the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in ...  read more

Code: 55253

115.00 EUR

Soldbuch - Luftwaffe -

Soldbuch - Luftwaffe - "Flakgruppe Creil" - "V1" - France ,Holland - Zoels

Soldbuch of "Stabsgefreiter" Rudolf Zoels who served with few Flak units before he was transferred to "Flakgruppe Creil" which was a coded title for Flak Rgt. 155.

FlakRgt.155 was coded in "Flakgruppe Creil" while it was a "V1" firing unit!! which operated 45 kilometers north of Paris at a Chateau near Creil!! and by end of 1944/,45 in the Netherlands.

Zoels was aw...  read more

Code: 55249

625.00 EUR

Photolot - Italy - 1944

Photolot - Italy - 1944

Photolot of 4 postcard size photos of one and the same person who served (as written on the back) in Italy.  read more

Code: 55246

45.00 EUR

Soldbuch  WH (Heer) - 183.Inf.Div. - Zinn

Soldbuch WH (Heer) - 183.Inf.Div. - Zinn

Soldbuch (few loose pages) of "Obergefreiten" Ludwig Zinn who served within various units.
The last unit ,Zinn served in was :Feld Ersatz 0tl.219 of the 183.Inf.Div.

Zinn was awarded the EK II and the "Ostmedaille" and collected 1 "Nahkampftag" (closecombat day) in 1943.

Nice era replaced photo  read more

Code: 55244

160.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) -

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - "Reichsbahn" - Schildbach

Citation grouping of "Rottenmeister" Otto Schildbach who served as "Reichsbahn-Sanitätsmann" in the rank of "Rottenmeister" within the "Reichsbahn"(national railroad).

1) "SilberneTreudienst-Ehrenzeichen" citation for 25 years of loyal service.

2) "Ostmedaille" citation for "Rottenmeister" Otto Schildbach.

The citation is a unusual special printed v...  read more

Code: 55242

190.00 EUR

"Schiessbuch" (shooting record) - Dicker

"Schiessbuch" (shooting record) of "Kanonier" Karl Dicker who served within "Nachrichten Zug" of Art.Rgt.9 of the 9.Inf.Div.  read more

Code: 55240

20.00 EUR