1818 items found
Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 268.Inf.Div. - Wendt

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 268.Inf.Div. - Wendt

Wehrpass of "Oberschütze" Heinrich Wendt who served for almost 1 year within I.G.Ers.Komp.268 of the 268 Inf.Div.

Due to some medical condition he was discharged of active duty in !942.

No interesting entries but a nice complete example of a German soldier who was released of service and the documents which came with it.  read more

Code: 55192

75.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) -

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - "Heeresstandortverwaltung" Leipzig - Richter

Citation grouping of "Oberstabszahlmeister" Karl Richter who served within "Heeresstandortverwaltung" Leipzig.

1) "Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer" citation as Richter was a WW I veteran.

2) "Dienstauszeichnung 2 Kl." citation of Richter as he served within "Heeresstandortverwaltung" Eilenburg which has been issued in 1936

3) "Dienstauszeichnung 1 Kl." c...  read more

Code: 55191

265.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - 34.Inf.Div. - Wagner

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 34.Inf.Div. - Wagner

Citation grouping of "Unteroffizier" Erwin Wagner who served within Inf.Rgt.253 of the 34.Inf.Div.

1) "Medaille zur Erinnerung anden 1-10-1938" citation which has been issued "Im Felde"!! and which has been signed by "Oberst" and regimental commander (Inf.Rgt.36) Friedrich Karl von Wachter.

2) EK II citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional...  read more

Code: 55189

165.00 EUR

Citation - WH (Heer) -  XXX.Armee Korps - Meyer

Citation - WH (Heer) - XXX.Armee Korps - Meyer

Not that often seen "die Spange zum E.K.II" (wiederholungsspange) citation of "Leutnant" August Meyer who served within Bau.Batl.155 under command of the XXX.Armee Korps.

The citation has been signed by "General der Artillerie" and "Kommandierende General der XXXX.A.K." Otto Hartmann (RK 5-8-1940)

Small piece at right corner missing.  read more

Code: 55185

225.00 EUR

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - Kopp

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - Kopp

Citation grouping of Else Kopp who was awarded the KvK II m.Schw.!!!!!!! and who participated in the "Reichberufswettkampf" (Reich professional competition) of 1938 and 1939.

1) KvK II m.Schw.citation which is a very unusual document to be issued to a woman!!

The document has been signed by the "Oberbürgermeister Bonn als Ortspolizeibehörde" ?

2) "Be...  read more

Code: 55181

285.00 EUR

"Dienstbuch" (servicebook) - "Organisation Todt" (O.T.) - Kafka

"Dienstbuch" (servicebook) of "Kameradschaftsf" Nikolaus Kafka who served within the "Organisation Todt"(O.T.)

Kafka served as " O.T. Frontarbeiter" during the fierce winter of 1942/,43 and was therefore awarded the "Ostmedaille"!!

On 31-5-1943 ,Kafka was called up for service in the "Wehrmacht" (Army)  read more

Code: 55180

155.00 EUR

Certificate set  - WH (Heer) - 3.Pz.Gren.Div. - Jädick

Certificate set - WH (Heer) - 3.Pz.Gren.Div. - Jädick

Certificate set of "Schütze" Jädick who served within 3.Inf.Div. / 3.Pz.Gren.Div.

1) Attractive A4 size certificate which has been issued on the occasion of a sport competition of the 3.Inf.Div.(mot.)

2) Very attractive and coluorful A4 size "Ehrenurkunde" citation of honour) which has been issued on the occasion of "Handgranatenweitwurf" (hand grenade throwing) d...  read more

Code: 55179

325.00 EUR

"Waffen-SS" Soldbuch - "Oberkriegsverwaltungsrat" -

Somewhat worn "Waffen-SS" Soldbuch von "Oberkriegsverwaltungsrat" (supreme war council) his next promtion is hard to decypher,Günther who served within
40240 which stands for: Wehrmacht-Wirtschafts-Stab Ost (economic ,most certain plunder!?)

One of those seldom seen and unusual function which seems to have acted under SS supervision!?  read more

Code: 55178

425.00 EUR

Soldbuch/drivers-license  WH (Heer) - 131.Inf.Div. - Wermers

Soldbuch/drivers-license WH (Heer) - 131.Inf.Div. - Wermers

Soldbuch and drivers-license of "Unteroffizier" (promtion on 15-2-1945 "Im Felde") Bernhard Wermers who served within several different units and who ended-up finally within Flak Komp.Pz.Jäg.Abt.131 of the 131.Inf.Div.

Wermers was awarded the BWB the EK II ,the (probably foreign medal) ,the "Stürmabzeichen and the ?

Wermers participated also in a "Nahkampftag" on ...  read more

Code: 55175


Wehrpass WH (Heer / S.D.) - Gr.Geheime Feldpolizei 632 - Schulz

Wehrpass WH (Heer / S.D.) - Gr.Geheime Feldpolizei 632 - Schulz

Rare and very unusual Wehrpass of "Feldwebel" Artur Schulz who served since 1940 as "Kriegsfeldpolizeibeamter" and who was promoted to "Feldwebel" in 1942.

During the campaign in the "West" ,Schulz operated under "Gruppe von Kleist" ("GFM" Ewald von Kleist) and interrogated POW (Schulz spoke English and French)

On 20-11-1942 ,Schulz is being transferred to "Chef de...  read more

Code: 55173

575.00 EUR