1825 items found
Soldbuch WH (Heer) - 264.Inf.Div. - Detzel

Soldbuch WH (Heer) - 264.Inf.Div. - Detzel

Soldbuch of "Gefreiten" Franz Detzel who served within few different units.

The added "Bescheinigung" of Gren.Ers.Batl.437 (dated 2-6-1944) indicates that Detzel served under command of Armee Oberkommando 15 (AOK15)

Gren.Ers.Batl.437 was destroyed in August 1944 in the Normandy

Detzels last unit was : Landesschützen Btl.1019 which acted in Italy.  read more

Code: 56570

185.00 EUR

"Reichssportabzeichen" booklet - Vögel

"Reichssportabzeichen in Bronze" award booklet of Hans Vögel  read more

Code: 56569

25.00 EUR

"Deutsches Turn-und Sportabzeichen" booklet - Schöner

"Deutsches Turn-und Sportabzeichen in Bronze" award booklet of Günther Schöner  read more

Code: 56568

25.00 EUR

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - Heeres Gruppe Nachr.Rgt.639 - Cholm Pocket - Walter

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - Heeres Gruppe Nachr.Rgt.639 - Cholm Pocket - Walter

Wehrpass of "Obergefreiten" Martin Walter who served within Heeres Gruppe Nachr.Rgt.639

Walter was awarded "Ostmedaille" and the KvK II m.Schw. for his efforts during the campaigns in Poland ,France ,Danmark and Russia

Although not having the Cholm shield entered ,Walter must have been one of the 5500 soldiers within the Cholm Pocket who were encircled from 23-1-19...  read more

Code: 56566

250.00 EUR

Citation set - KM - Voigt

Citation set - KM - Voigt

Citation set of "Maschinenmaat" Walter Voigt who served within 3.Schnellbootsflotille

1) Very attractive "Schnellboots-Kriegsabzeichen" citation which has been signed by "Fregattenkapitän" Rudolf Petersen (RK 4-8-1940 ,EL 13-6-1944)

Although the citation has been cut slightly at the bottom (probably to fit in a frame) ,a great citation!

2) EK II cit...  read more

Code: 56563

585.00 EUR

"Freiwillig zür Kriegsmarine" - brochure

"Freiwillig zür Kriegsmarine" brochure which gives detailed and interesting information concerning the possibilities within the "Kriegsmarine"  read more

Code: 56561


Luftwaffe I.D.s - Ostarek

Luftwaffe I.D.s - Ostarek

1) "Luftwaffen-Bordfunkerschein" (radio operator) I.D. of "Gefreiter" Karl Ostarek who participated the "Blindfluglehrgang" (blind flight course) at "Blindflugschule 5" (Marienburg)

2) "Ausweis" (I.D.) of "Unteroffizier" Karl Ostarek for "Fliegerhorstkommandantur" ?

Interesting addition on the back:"Einmannschlauchboot Nr.259" (one person inflatable boat)  read more

Code: 56560

145.00 EUR

Postcard photo -

Postcard photo - "Zollgrenzschutz" - "Grenzaufsichstelle Radelstein"

Postcard photo of the music unit of "Zollgrenzschutz" at "Grenzaufsichstelle Radelstein"  read more

Code: 56559

15.00 EUR

Citation grouping -  WH (Heer) - 110.Inf.Div. - Mayer

Citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 110.Inf.Div. - Mayer

Citation grouping of "Obergefreiten" Erich Mayer who served within Gren.Rgt.254 of the 110.Inf.Div.

1) Never seen before A4 size in width "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" citation which has been signed by "Oberst" Heinz von Randow (DKiG 19-12-1941)

Von Randow was KIA on 21-12-1942 in Libya

2) EK II citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and ...  read more

Code: 56555

400.00 EUR

Wehrpass -  WH (Heer) -  96.Inf.Div. - Ritter

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 96.Inf.Div. - Ritter

Wehrpass of "Obergefreiten" Rudolf Ritter who served within several different artillery related units of the 267.Inf.Div.

The last unit Ritter served in was:Stabsbattr.Art.Rgt.196 of the 96.Inf.Div.

Ritter was awarded the "Ostmedaille" ,the KvK II m.Schw. and the EK II

2) "Auszug aus der Truppenstammrolle" (abstract of troop base role)

...  read more

Code: 56552

120.00 EUR