"Waffen-SS" - Wehrpass - KL-"Auschwitz" - Fitzenberger
Wehrpass of "SS-Sturmmann" Heinrich Fitzenberger who was drafted for service in the SS-T.-Sturmbann Auschwitz III.
Auschwitz III (Auschwitz-Monowitz) was last of the 3 Auschwitz camps and was a forced labour camp which housed "IG Farben" and "Krupp Stahl"
Rare Wehrpass ! read more
975.00 EUR
Citation - WH (Heer) - 217.Inf.Div. - Tischer
EK II citation of "Soldaten" Paul Tischer who served within Stab/Div.Nachschub Führer 217
The document has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Richard Baltzer (DKiG 31-1-1942)
Baltzer was killed on 10-5-1945 in Prague (Czechia) read more
85.00 EUR
Soldbuch - RAD / Luftwaffe - Mersinger
Soldbuch of Kurt Mersinger who served within the "Reichsarbeitsdienst" (RAD)
Not that often seen Soldbuch variant with some entries. read more
85.00 EUR
Citation - WH (Heer) - 9.Inf.Div. - Marhold
EK II citation of "Gefreiten" Marhold who served within Inf.Rgt.116 of the 9.Inf.Div.
The document has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Siegmund Freiherr von Schleinitz (DKiG 26-12-1941 ,RK 14-8-1943) read more
80.00 EUR
Wehrpaß / award document grouping WH (Heer) - 126.Inf.Div. - Schulte
Wehrpaß / award document grouping of "Feldwebel d.Reserve" Ewald Schulte who served within Inf.Rgt.426 of th 126.Inf.Div.
1) Wehrpaß of Schulte who served within the machinegunners section of Inf.Rgt.426 and who was awarded the EK II and the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" for his efforts during the fightings within "Heeresgruppe Nord" in the area of Leningrad.
Schulte... read more
245.00 EUR
Soldbuch / drivers-license WH (Heer) - 33.Inf.Div. / 15.Pz.Div. -Afica - Borbecker
Soldbuch / drivers-license of "Stabsgefreiter" Walter Borbecker who served within "Dienststelle Feld Post Nr. 19195" which stands for the reconnaissance unit of the 33.Inf.Div. which has been renamed into 15.Pz.Div.
Borbecker entered Africa 16-5-1942 as stated on page 18 and has been awarded the "Italienische Erinnerungsmedaille" and the "Ärmelband Afrika".
Both we... read more
255.00 EUR
Soldbuch Luftwaffe - Landesschützenzug 45 - Kurland (Courland) - Kretschmer
Soldbuch of "Obergefreiter" Franz Kretschmer who served within several different pioneer related units before he ended serving within Landesschützenzug 45 (security forces).
Kretschmer has seen certainly participated in fierce fightings as he was awarded the BWB (which seems to have been changed in gold)!? ,the "Ostmedaille",the "Erdkampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe" and the "Ärmelban... read more
295.00 EUR
Citation set - WH (Heer) - Dulag 320 - Pfaff
Citation set of "Oberfeldwebel" Lukas Pfaff who served within Dulag 320 (Durchgangslager) in Luga (Russia)
These were POW camps where POW,s were held under .
1) KvK II m.Schw.citation which has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and commander of the 285.Sicherungs Div.,Wolfgang Edler Herr und Freiherr von Plotho
Wolfgang Edler Herr und Freiherr von Plo... read more
135.00 EUR
Wehrpass / citation grouping - WH (Heer) - 34.Inf.Div. - Müller-Hoissen
Wehrpass and citation grouping of "Oberleutnant" Jellrich Müller-Hoissen who served within Inf.Rgt.80 of the 34.Inf.Div.
1) Wehrpass of Müller-Hoissen who was trained for the use of "Infanterie-Geschütz" and "Pak" among others
Müller-Hoissen was awarded the "Dienstauszeichnung IV Klasse" ,the EK II ,the EK I ,the "Schützwall-Ehrenzeichen" and the "Infanterie-Sturma... read more
Soldbuch/citation/photoalbum grouping - WH (Heer) - 24.Inf.Div. - Erler
Soldbuch ,citation and photoalbum grouping of "Leutnant" Werner Erler who served within Inf.Rgt.31 of the 24.Inf.Div.
1) Soldbuch of Erler which is packed with entries.
Erler was awarded the BWB ,the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen" ,the EK II ,the EK I ,the SWB ,the "Ostmedaille" the "Rumänische Erinnerungs Medaille Kreuzzug gegen den Kommunismus" the "Krimschild" and ... read more
485.00 EUR