1891 items found
Soldbuch  WH (Heer) - 198.Inf.Div. - Naü

Soldbuch WH (Heer) - 198.Inf.Div. - Naü

Soldbuch of "Hauptwachtmeister" Ludwig Naü who served finally within Art.Rgt.235 of the 198.IInf.Div.

Naü was awarded the "Dienstauszeichnung IV Klasse" ,the EK II ,the "Ostmedaille" and the KvK II m.Schw.for his efforts during the fightings in Russia

Naü was handed-out many different pieces of equipment,among these a "Holländische Feldflasche" (Dutch canteen)!!read more

Code: 56795

155.00 EUR

Citation -  WH (Heer) -75.Inf.Div. - Uitting

Citation - WH (Heer) -75.Inf.Div. - Uitting

EK II citation of "Leutnant" Rolf Uitting who served within Art.Rgt.43 of the 7.Inf.Div.

The document has been signed by "General der Art." and divisional commander (5.Inf.Div.) Wilhelm Farmbacher (RK 24-6-1940,DKiS 30-10-1943,"Lorientschild")

Farmbacher was the commander of "Festung Lorient"  read more

Code: 56794

95.00 EUR

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - Pi.Btl.70 - Gallhuber

Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - Pi.Btl.70 - Gallhuber

Wehrpass of "Gefreiten" August Gallhuber who served within few different pioneer units.
The last unit Gallhuber served in was: Pi.Btl.70 under command of the 11.Armee

Gallhuber was KIA on 21-11-1941 during fightings at Sewastopol (Crimea)

2) Unusual deathcard which has been executed with a real photo of Gallhuber!  read more

Code: 56793


Wehrpass WH (Heer) Kraftfahr Ausb.4 - Pohle

Wehrpass WH (Heer) Kraftfahr Ausb.4 - Pohle

Wehrpass of "Oberfeldwebel" Walter Pohle who served with many different units since his re-entry in 1939.

As a WW I veteran Pohle had seen already lots of action since Pohle was awarded the EK I AND II and the SWB besides some other awards.

During his service in WW II Pohle served with units that were all related to panzer and other vehicles and/or training...  read more

Code: 53243

175.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - Feldeisenbahn-Betriebs-Abt.14 - Krellner

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - Feldeisenbahn-Betriebs-Abt.14 - Krellner

Wehrpaß of "Oberzahlmeister der Reserve" Herbert Krellner who served mainly within "Feldeisenbahn" (this was a pioneer related field railroad construction unit) related units.

Krellner was awarded the "Ostmedaille" and the KvK II m.Schw. for his efforts during the fightings in France (Maginotline) and Russia.

Comes with an added picture and 2 documents.  read more

Code: 52890

120.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 23.Pz.Div. - Sommer

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 23.Pz.Div. - Sommer

"Zweitschrift" (second edition) as the first edition "dürch Feindeinwirkung verloren ging" (lost , due to enemy influence) Wehrpaß of "Unteroffizier" Willi Sommer who served mainly within the 23.Pz.Div.

Sommer was awarded the KvK II m,Schw , the EK II , the "Kraftfahrbewährungsabzeichen in Bronze" , the "Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze" and the "Nahkampfspange in Bronze" ...  read more

Code: 52988

245.00 EUR

Wehrpass/citation WH (Heer) 123. Inf.Div. - Schalkowski

Wehrpass/citation WH (Heer) 123. Inf.Div. - Schalkowski

Wehrpass and citation of "Obergefreiten" Walter Schalkowski who served with Inf.Rgt.415 as part of the 123.Inf.Div.

With this division Schalkowski has been in Russia and was awarded the BWB,the "Infanterie Sturmabzeichen" and the "Ostmedaille".

The last entry of the "Gefechtskalender" states "defence of Cholm" (this is ofcourse not the Cholm cauldron yet)
...  read more

Code: 51427

150.00 EUR

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 9.Inf.Div.- Schnabel

Wehrpaß - WH (Heer) - 9.Inf.Div.- Schnabel

"Zweitschrift" Wehrpaß of "Gefreiten" Peter Schnabel who served within Pi.Btl.658 of the 9.Inf.Div.

Schnabel had been active at the "Westwall" as "Arbeitsmann" (RAD) before he participated in the "Ostfeldzug" (Poland,Russia).

As a pioneer Schnabel was awarded the EK II ,the BWB ,the "Ostmedaille , the SWB and the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber".

read more

Code: 52548

130.00 EUR

Wehrpass/award document - Polizei Btl.131 - Norway - Bätz

Wehrpass/award document - Polizei Btl.131 - Norway - Bätz

Wehrpass/award document of "Rottenwachtmeister" Albin Bätzwho served within Polizei Btl.131 .

The "Bescheingung" (certificate) states that Bätzserved in Norway in 1940/1941.

The BWB award document has been issued due to his service in Russia as stated by the "Vorlaufiges" award document for the "Ostmedaille".

Wehrpass is empty.

Comes ...  read more

Code: 52205

180.00 EUR

"Der Grosse Befehl" -1941

Period book "Der Grosse Befehl"- "Der Sieg im Westen" (victory in the West) published by the "Oberkommando der Wehrmacht" in 1941

It shows the successful 1940 campaign in the West

Overall very reasonable condition  read more

Code: 56792

30.00 EUR