Citation - WH (Heer) - 295.Inf.Div. - Braun
EK II citation of "Pionier" Braun who served within Pi.Btl.295 of the 295.Inf.Div.
The document has been signed by "Generalleutnant" and divisional commander Herbert Geitner (DKiG 10-12-1941)
Geitner was severely wounded on 8-12-1941 at Artemowsk and DOW on 22-1-1942 in Freiburg hospital read more
80.00 EUR
Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 223.Inf.Div. - Swarowsky
Wehrpass of Heinrich Swarowsky who served within Inf.Rgt.385 of the 233.Inf.Div.
Swarowsky was KIA on 30-12-1941 "in der Stellung bei Poretschjè,südlich der Ladogasee" (in position/trenche at Poretschjè ,south of Lake Ladoga) while he served under command of the "Heeresgruppe Nord"
Nothing special except the detailed burial map coordinates! read more
90.00 EUR
Citation set - Luftwaffe - Fsch.Pz.Aufkl.Abt.H.G - Zach
Citation set of "Gefreiten" Franz Zach who served within Fallschirm Panzer Aufklärungs Abt."Hermann Göring"
1) Provisionally EK II citation which has been signed by "Oberst" and divisional commander Wilhelm Schmalz (RK 28-11-1940 ,DKiG 8-2-1942,EL 23-12-1943)!!
2) Attractive "Erdkampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe" citation which has been issued at the "Stabsquartier" an... read more
425.00 EUR
Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - 132.Inf.Div. - Holzenhauer
Wehrpass of "Grenadier" Heinrich Holzenhauer who served within Gren.Rgt.437 of the 132.Inf.Div.
Wehrpass does not show many entries besides the "Bescheinigung" of sending the Wehrpass to next of kin read more
"DAK" (Deutsches-Afika-Korps) - photocards
2 Great "DAK" (Deutsches-Afika-Korps) photocards which show 1 and the same "Kubelwagen"
The "DAK" emblem can be clearly seen on the first 2 vehicles read more
75.00 EUR
Citation - WH (Heer) - 131.Inf.Div. - Heldmann
KvK II m.Schw. citation of "Sanitäts-Feldwebel" Kurt Heldmann who served within Sanitäts Komp.131 of the 131.Inf.Div.
The document has been signed by "Generalmajor" and divisional commander Friedrich Weber (RK 8-6-1940 ,DKiG 22-4-1942) read more
80.00 EUR
"Panzerarmee Afrika" - year-book/agenda - 1943
Not often seen attractive "Kalender" (year-book/agenda) entitled : "Panzerarmee Afrika" Kalender 1943
Small-sized (10,5x15,5 cms.) hard-covered booklet which contains 172 pages for calendre/diary use and many pages of important DAK related information
Comes with the original map of Africa which is folded in the back
Overall great condition with only ... read more
385.00 EUR
Citation - WH (Heer) - 129.Inf.Div./ 9.Pz.Div. - Ortwein
EK II citation of "Obergefreiten" Ludwig Ortwein who served within Art.Rgt.129 of the 129.Inf.Div.
The document has been signed by "Generalmajor" and commander of the 9.Pz.Div. Walter Scheller (DKiG 4-2-1943 ,RK 8-4-1943)
Scheller was KIA on 21-7-1944 at Brest Litowsk read more
100.00 EUR
Wehrpass - WH (Heer) - Schlachtgeschwader 1 / 2? - Sklalar
Wehrpass of Hans-Fred Skalar who served as "`funker" within Schlachtgeschwader 1 Luftnachrichten Komp.
Sklalar was KIA by "Kopfschuss" (shot in the head) during the "Ostfeldzug" at Kolessuiza/Dugino (Russia) on 19-1-1942 read more
140.00 EUR
Soldbuch - WH (Heer) - 268.Inf.Div. - Dockter
Soldbuch of "Unteroffizier" Leopold Dockter who served finally within Gren.Rgt.448 of the 268.Inf.Div.
Dockter was awarded the EK II ,the "Ostmedaille" ,the "Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber" ,the BWB and the "Nahkampfspange in Stüfe"
2) Comes with 2 docs which were needed to get maried! read more
285.00 EUR